Ch.2 In a Flash

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(9 months later/October 12th, 2014-At STAR Labs) "Wh-What the?! Whe-Where am I?!?" I asked. "Chill dude you're safe, your at STAR Labs." Said a man. "STAR Labs? Wh-Why?" I asked. "You were struck by lightning dude!" said the man.(I look at one of the computers) "Lightning gave me abs?" I asked. "Could you urinate in this cup for me?" Asked a woman. "Not this second!" Said the man as he took away the cup. "What's happening?! How long have I been here?" I asked. "9 months, Mr. Allen." Said a man who rolled into the room in his wheelchair. "Your...Your...He's!...Dr. Harrison Wells!!!" I said in amusement. "Yes, I am." He said with a smile. "So I've been here for 9 months?!" I asked in shock. "Yes, but believe it or not but that lightning healed all of the chemical wounds that hit you that night 9 months ago." Said Wells. "So I know that your Dr. Wells but who are you?" I asked the man and woman. "I'm Cisco and this is Caitlin. said the man". " you will have to pee in this cup!" Caitlin whispered. "If it's ok with you guys I'm gonna tell my friends that I'm up from my long nap."I said. "Ok but be back here tomorrow!" Said Wells as I left.(At a local coffee shop)"Hello there!" I said to a girl. "Barry?! Is that you?!" Asked a waitress. "Iris, come over here!" Said the girl. "What's up?...You're up?! Why didn't STAR Labs call us?" Asked Iris. "I just got up and came straight here. Well I'm gonna go tell a friend that I'm up and then I have to go to ST..the doctors." I said. "Ok Barry, see you later." said Iris.(Outside) "I'll just take the alleys..."I said to myself. "Ok so it's 10:00 and I have 9 minutes to get to the 10:10 train to Starling City. I'll be late if if I walk so I'll just run..." I said to myself as I started to run.(As I start to run I then I zoom through the streets) W"h-What the?!? How'd I?! There to here?!?" I said in confusion as I ran to STAR Labs.

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