Ch.6 Flash vs Arrow

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(The next day at the coffee shop) "So how are things as the Green Arrow?" I asked. "Everything's fine. All I've been dealing with is petty crimes like to robberies and hijacks." Said Oliver. "So Barry, is there anything else you can do with your super speed?" Asked Laurel. "Yes. I can make my voice vibrate so I can talk to police officers without them recognizing my voice." I said. "I wonder if it sounds anything like our voice changers Ollie?"(In my disoriented voice) "I bet his is much meaner." I whispered. "That's awesome!" Laurel replied. "Also, when I vibrate my hands fast enough it can go through anything." I added. You know...our friend Felicity has a boyfriend, Ray, who is working on this suit that will be able to get into tight spaces. He calls it Project Atom." Oliver added. "Cool. Wait. Did you say your voice changers. What did you mean by that? I asked. Oh, I'm the Black Canary. Laurel replied. "Oh! I had no idea, my friend Cisco is a huge fan of you B.T.W." I said as my phone made a beeping sound. "Oh shoot a meta human's been seen. I got to run! See you guys later...Bye!" I said as I flashed out. "I'm still not used to that." Said Oliver. "Neither am I, honey." Said Laurel as they left.(At an abandoned warehouse---in my disoriented voice) "Hey! You need to come with me!" I said. "No need to get angry!" Said the meta as he looked right into my eyes. "Ahhhh!!!!" I screamed as my eyes went red. "See yah sucker!" Said the meta as he ran out. "Owww!!!!!! That was weird I got all.....all angry....I.... I wanted to go.....k.....kill Eddie Thawne!!!!" I said as my eyes went red and my pupils black. "I'm gonna kill Thawne!" I said as I flashed to the city.(In Iris' car) "So guess what I saw today." Asked Iris. "What?" Asked Eddie. "I saw The Flash run by Jitters as I went in, guess he likes their coffee too." She laughed. "That myth..he's not real." Eddie replied. "He's not a myth, he's real!" Said Iris. "Surrrreeeee he is Iris." Said Eddie sarcastically.(I run up to Eddie's door and I pull him out of the car and throw him in the street) "EDDIE!" Yelled Iris. "Who the hell are you, huh?! You think you can just come along and get to have whatever you want? What gives you the right?!" I asked. "What the hell are you talking about?" Eddie asked in pain. "What are you doing? What has happened to you?" Iris asked as she exited her car. "I feel fine!" "You are not fine!" Iris replied. "How would you know?! Because you write about me? You don't know me! You don't know who I never did." "Go to hell." Eddie said as he spat blood. "Shut up!" I said as I kicked him in the chest. "Flash stop!!!" Iris pleaded. "You can't stop me!!!! I replied as I started to vibrate my hand very fast when a rope wrapped around my arms. "But I can!!!" Said Green Arrow. "Run, Eddie, run!" Iris said to Eddie as they ran. "You need to calm down!!!" Said Green Arrow. "And you need to hold on!!!" I said as I grabbed the rope and ran a few blocks. "Are you done yet?!" I asked. "Come on Barry...I know you're in there still!" Said Arrow as he got up. "Ahhh!!!!" I shouted as I threw a fist towards Arrow's face.(Arrow catches my fist and flips me) "Owww!!!!" I yelled. "Sorry Barry..." Said Oliver as he punched me in the face and knocked me out.(At STAR Labs) "Wh-Wha-What happened?" I asked. "Dude your ok, your as STAR Labs." Said Oliver. "Why am I tied up?" I asked. "Because that meta made you really angry and you became very aggressive." Said Cait. "What did I do to get tied up though?" I asked. "You beat the hell out of Detective Thawne." Said Laurel. "Ah crap! Was Iris there?" I asked. "Yes." Cisco replied. "Oh, what've I done?..." I asked myself as I layed back down.

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