Ch.7 Betrayal

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(3 months later at STAR Labs) "So where's Dr. Wells?" I asked. "He didn't really say where he was going." Cisco replied. "Yeah, all he said is that he would be back soon.Caitlin added.(Half-an-hour later) "Barry?" asked Cisco. "Yeah?" I asked. "You might wanna see this!" He said as he pointed at the computer screen. "What's that?" Asked Cait. "I dunno, I was checking the buildings cooling system and I found this..this hidden room." Cisco replied. "Let's go check it out." I said.(Down the hall) "It should be around here." Said Cait.(I feel the wall) "What the!?" I asked as my hand was scanned.(A section of the wall opens up) "Whoa!" Said Cisco. "What is this place?" Asked Cait. Guys...I said as we walked over to a stand with the Reverse Flash's suit on it. "Barry..look at this, especially the byline." Said Cait as we turned to a digital newspaper reading: "Flash Missing in Crisis" and "Wayne and Queen Tech discuss Merge" and they byline: Iris West-Allen. "West-Allen?" I asked in complete confusion. "Look at that brighter red suit, and that white emblem..Now I'm updating your suit after we find Wells, B.t.w, about the West-Allen thing...mazel-tov?" He said sarcastically. "Mazel-tov. A Hebrew phrase expressing congratulations or wishing someone good luck." Said a female's voice. "Ah HELL NAW!" Cisco screamed as he jumped. "Um..hello? I asked." "Hello, I am Gideon." Said the voice. "W..Hello Gideon." I replied. "Hello, Bartholomew, Barry, Allen." She replied. "You know who I am?" I asked. "Yes, Barry Allen. Director of C.C.P.D, CSI division. Also known as The Flash, founding member of the Just.."Said Gideon as I interrupted her. "I'm sorry, but could you help me by answering a few questions?" I asked. "Absolutely." She replied. "Ok, who is Harrison Wells really?" I asked. "No answer can be found to my 10.5 million searches." Gideon said as she could not find an answer. "Let's see, why was he at my house that night, 15 years ago?" I asked. "To kill you." Gideon replied. "Guys!" Cisco said in terror. "What?" Caitlin asked. Somebody's entered the building, and they aren't in their wheelchair." He added. "We need to go, NOW!" Said Cait as they walked to the door. "Wait, Gideon, I need you to do something for me. Please, do not tell whoever Wells is that we were here." I asked. "Absolutely. I will accept and command given to me, by you." "C'mon Barry we need to hurry!" Said Cisco. "Hold on, why would you accept my commands?" I asked. " created me." Said Gideon before I grabbed the others and ran to the cortex.(In the cortex) "Phew..that was a close..." Said Cait as Reverse Flash ran into the room. Hello, Flash. He said in his disoriented voice. "Hello...Wells." I said in disgust. "So, you finally found it out, huh?" He asked as he pulled his cowl down. "What do you want?! Why don't I just kill you right now!?" I asked. "Because you're you, Barry. You couldn't kill me if you wanted to, besides how will you ever see your mother again?" Asked Wells. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You can run back in time and bring her to this time. A lot will change, but it will be worth it." "What's in it for you?" Cait asked. "He gets to go home while Barry saves his mom." Cisco replied. "Ever so clever, Cisco." Wells said to him. "Is that true, Wells?" I asked. "ARRHHH! ENOUGH! My name is not Harrison Wells. I am from the future when he, the real Wells is dead. My name is Eobard Thawne." "Thawne?..Like Eddie?" Caitlin asked. "Let's call him a distant relative." Thawne added. "How can I trust you?" I asked. "You can't...that's just a sacrifice that you are going to have to make if you want your mother you?" He asked. "Let's go." I said as we left the cortex to the pipeline.

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