Chapter 1

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Phil's POV
I'm walking home form yet another day, I sprained my ankle maybe had a broken rib. But 'Walking Home' basically means walking into hell. I knew what my dad was going to do. And I knew what my mum was going to do. He was going to beat me and abuse me in any possible way, while my mum shouts insults, then she'll cry, and last she'll beg my dad to stop. After I get enough strength to get up, I will go upstairs to my room. And cut. Then shower. Then sleep. It was a cycle that I got used to. I was a block away from my house when I saw 'BadassHowell' approach me.
"Hey homo. Where's lover boy?"
"Leave me alone Dan."
"What did you call me?"
"Your brain is so small you need me to repeat my self?"
"Sure, REPEAT!"
"Leave me alone Homo Howell" It went by too fast he swung and hit me in the mouth. I had a bleeding lip, and all my rage went into this punch. I swung with all my might. I hit him in the jaw and I heard a crack. He fell. I opened my eyes and he was on the ground. Furious.
"If I could get up you would be sorry." I maybe bullied by him but no one deserves this. I could tell he had broke his ankle. I didn't want to help, but I had too. I reached out my hand and he took it with a mumbled 'thanks.." We used to walk home together so I brought him home. His parents weren't there. I made him and cup of tea and I bandaged his ankle. I lied him on the couch and gave him a blanket and turned on Death Note. When that was done I was about to walk out when Dan called,
"Come back." I walked over to the couch and I sat in the arm chair beside it.
"Why what?"
"Why did you do this for me, I don't deserve it."
"You deserve it. No one deserves pain. No one."
"I'm. Sorry."
"It's okay, just get some rest." I didn't mean my forgiveness because I knew tomorrow he would shout insults at me. I got up again to walk out when he grabbed my hand,
"I mean it this time. Phil."
"Ok." I walked out of his house only to find my dad waiting at the door. Shit.
"Are you trying to corrupt the Howell boy too!?"
I didn't speak.
"Are you!?"
"No father. I was there to take care of him."
"I'm sure you were!"
"He was!" Dan was in the door way,
"Dan! Lie back down! Go back inside! I told you get your rest!"
"Howell." My father sneered at Dan. "Or should I say 'Phil's new lover boy'"
"Mr. Lester. Phil was helping me, I fell and broke my ankle, he was taking care of it."
"I'm SURE!" He shouted. I turned to Dan and I pushed him inside. I laid him back down and put the blanket over him. He was complaining the entire time but I don't really care, he was hurt and it needed to be treated. I was leaving when Dan shouted,
"Phil! Don't you DARE!" I left. My dad and I walked back together. When I got inside he shouted to my mother,
"CAN DOSVILLE BABY DOLL!" My dad watched to much 'how i met your mother.' I wasn't that scared. Until he had the kettle. I started crying, my mother was still shouting insults at me. The kettle was done. And so was I.
"GOODBYE!" I shouted, and I left. Just walked out of the house. If I was in public, he wouldn't lay a fucking hand on me. I didn't know where I was going. Chris and PJs parents would definitely tell mine where I was. I had explained to my father that I hated Dan. So he would check there first. I guess I'm going to London. I have a lot of money. A lot. Whenever I made any money I would NEVER spend it. So I had 2500£ which was exciting. I was on my way to the train station, just passing the Starbucks, when Dan came out. He had crutches.
"Hi, 'Loves boys Lester'"
"That is an awful nickname."
"Better then you!"
"Wow good comeback. Homo Howell"
"How'd you know?"
"Nothin' Gay Boy"
"Ok I heard you."
"Whatever. Gay boy." He spit on me.
"Sorry, Dan."
"For what?"
"Calling you 'Homo Howell'. That was rude. Sorry." I was trying to teach him manners.
"Oh. Wow." Dans girlfriend had just come out of the coffee shop. Her coffee in hand.
"Wait Dan look at me." She said. He turned to her and she threw her coffee in his face. He was, and looked pissed.
"WHAT?" She turned to me.
"I'm so sorry Phil. Me and him are through. I wish I had known."
"It's not your fault. It's fine." She took my hand and looked at me. She batted her lashes.
"But now that he's taken care of, how about we do something fun?"
"Um, I'm sorry. If your suggesting a date I really can't." A girl wanted to go out with me. Wow. Now I'm sad I'm gay.
"Why?" She asked that really nicely.
"3 reasons, 1. I'm gay, 2. I'm leaving town, and 3" Shit I didn't have a 3rd reason.
"Him and I just broke up." Dan interrupted.
"WHAT?!" She shouted. She was pissed.
"I needed a girlfriend so no one would think I was gay."
"You used me." And with that she stormed off. I looked at Dan with a glare filled with hate. Then I stopped. He doesn't deserve it.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Why do you care?"
"Because I do."
"London. Goodbye Dan." And I walked off. Not with rage. Not polite. He didn't deserve hate or rudeness but he didn't deserve my loyalty, respect, friendship, and surely not my forgiveness.

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