I hate hospitals

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I hate hospitals. The smell, the look, even just the fact that whenever you go the hospital you get bad news. Now I had to wait until Phil was allowed visitors. I'm just waiting and waiting. Out of nowhere my mother walks in, sees me and started crying. I think I started crying a bit at that point as well. I stood up and gave her a huge hug, I lifted her off the ground. I kissed her cheek and she kissed both mine, I knew this only last for a few minutes before she got mad. I looked at her, she grabbed my ear and started pinching it. I sat down on one of the chairs and she sat down beside me,
"How dare you worry your father and I like that, you know Adrian hasn't slept? We were so worried Daniel."
"I told you I'd be fine."
"Then why are we in this hospital?"
"Good question, why are you here?"
"Adrian passed out in front of the staircase and he fell, luckily your father caught him before he started rolling down the stairs. Why are you here?"
"Phil." I said with a sigh,
"Who is this Phil, you mentioned him in your note."
"He's my boyfriend."
"Oh, I knew it."
"Oh, your father and I. I knew you were gay and he thought you were straight. Guess I win."
"You bet on me?"
"No. Well we didn't bet money." I laughed a bit at the fact my mum already knew, she knows everything.
"Will Adrian be okay? Also where is Dad?"
"Adrian will be fine. He might sleep for a few years but he's fine, as for your father, he's in his hospital room."
"Oh okay. I missed you."
"No kidding, you're 18 soon right?"
"Then, you don't have to come home. I'm just glad you're here." My mum gave me a sweet smile she always does when I'm sad. She gave me a hug and I said,
"Mum, I am staying in my apartment, don't get me wrong I love you all and I will visit but it's like now that I'm gone, I just feel, happier."
"I understand, I was your age when I moved out."
"How long ago was that?"
"Not long, I get it. I also can't wait to meet Phil, he sounds fantastic."
"You've no idea." My dad walked in and I stood up and hugged him,
"Hi son. Where've you been? We've been worried sick."
"He has a boyfriend!" My mum said with a grin wider then I've ever seen,
"I lost!"
"We've another son." A nurse came in and said,
"Dan Howell?" I turned toward her,
"Phil is ready to see you."
"Ok." I waved bye to my family and walked down the corridor with the nurse. She opened a door and there lied my beautiful Phil. I dived to the side of his bed and kissed his hand,
"Hey Philly."
"Hi bear." He said sounding weak,
"How you doing angel?"
"I'm okay."
"Do you need anything?"
"A kiss would be nice." I laid a soft kiss on his lips and pulled back because a nurse said my name,
"Would you come into the hall with me?"
"Yeah." I kissed Phil's hand and walked out onto the hallway,
"He will be perfectly fine, he can go home in a few hours, but he has to go to therapy for 6 months, 2 appointments each week, and he has to take anti-depressants for 3 months, one every morning."
"You also need to sign this form that says you are responsible for Phil taking the pills and going to therapy." I signed the form and walked back into Phil's room.
"Am I dying?"
"No, silly." I booped  his nose and told him what he has to do,
"Okay, I'll do that."
"1 more thing, my parents are here."
"Yeah, Adrian wasn't sleeping enough so he passed out in front of the stair case, he fell but my dad caught him. Anyway, when you get out, I'd love for you to meet them."
"Okay!" he sounded very excited, I held up a bag of clothes and handed them to him,
"Get dressed, you get to leave soon! I am going to go see Adrian, I love you." We kissed and I walked out. I saw my parents still in the waiting room and I asked,
"Can I see Adrian?"
"Yeah, I'll take you." My dad said,
"Cool." we were walking down the hall when my dad wrapped his arm around me and said,
"So when are we gonna meet him?"
"He is allowed out in a few hours, then I'll introduce you guys." He let his arm fall and he said,
"He's the one in the hospital, Why?"
"He - He - He cuthimselftoodeep." I said it all in one word because I didn't even want to admit it to myself,
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay dad, it's not your fault."
"it's not yours either." he said as he opened the door to Adrian's room. I looked in and he was already up and he was talking the nurse, once he spotted me he starting bouncing.
"Hi Adrian." I smiled at him and gave him a soft hug, "What's going on little buddy?"
"Nothing, I apparently have to be in the hospital for 2 whole days, just because I "passed out" from exhaustion. I slept at least 2 hours a night. Where were you?"
"I moved out." he's 14 but he's acting like he's 9.
"Why? Who do you live with?"
"I needed space I guess, and I live with my boyfriend."
"So, you're gay?" he said looking confused,
"Wow. What about you're girlfriend?"
"We broke up."
"Oh, sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"It's not yours either." My father said the same thing, "Anyway when are we gonna meet Prince Charming?"
"Today, he's allowed to leave in a few hours."
"Wait, he's in the hospital?"
"Oh, sorry."
"It's cool." Just then my mum walked in with Phil,
"This is Phil." I gave him a kiss and whispered, "They don't bite." He smiled and I must say he looked really good for just getting out of a hospital gown. He was wearing his black jeans and green hoodie. Once I snapped out of it I saw him shaking hands with Adrian,
"Hi, and how are you?"
"I'm alright for being in the hospital and all."
"I'm glad to hear." He smiled a sweet smile and turned to my father, "How are you Mr. Howell?"
"I'm good, and you Mr. Lester?" My dad laughed a little and Phil responded,
"Please, Mr. Lester is my father, call me Phil."
"Ok Phil, how are you?"
"I'm alright." I locked eyes with him and I knew my parents could tell, my brother, and even the nurse who walked in to help Adrian could tell. He was something special. And I was grateful he was all mine.

I am in love with this chapter. I hope you are too.

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