Watch out Dan

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Phils POV
I watched Dans chest rise and fall in his peaceful sleep, I walked out of the room to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Chris was standing there and he scared the shit out of me. "Chris what are you doing here?"
"I need to do something and this is forgotten right after it happens ok?
"Um whatever fine." He Grabbed my face and then he stopped right before we made contact. He fell and behind him was Dan holding a baseball bat,
"Did you see the whole thing, because I didn't do anything I promise!"
"Oh I know. We had sex 3 times yesterday, I strongly, strongly doubt, your cheating on me." He came over and kissed me, "You know I love you right."
"I love you too Dan, you're so beautiful."
"You're so perfect Phil, so perfect."
"I am far from it Daniel, but you are amazing, gorgeous, and damn you are hot."
"Am I?"
"Yes you are, and you know we have work tomorrow, so we have to get to bed."
"Indeed." We walked back to bed and I nuzzled into Dans Shoulder and we slept.


I woke to the pounding sound of the Alarm and heard Dan press snooze, "Dan, babe wake up." I kissed his cheek and he turned to look down at me,
"Ughhhhhh." I kissed him on the lips and he smiled, "Awe I love you."
"I love you too." I stood up and Dan sat upright with his legs over the side of the bed and shook his head. "Why do we have to wake up at 8?"
"Because it takes a bit to get into town, and we are always late for everything. Another reason is our shift starts at 11 am for some strange reason."
"Yay the first shift of the day is ours!" Dan said sarcastically, I giggled and shook my head. I was pulling on my pants when Dan ran in the bathroom and puked I looked over to where he was sitting and there was his phone,
"Baby, you ok?"
"Look at my phone." He vomited again, I ran over to his phone and saw Adrian had posted a photo shopped photo, him and I making out. I felt the bile come up. I pushed it back down and grabbed my phone.
"Adrian, I'm sorry but there is nothing between us. Your my boyfriends brother, I'm not your boyfriend."
"Dans so pathetic though! You could be with someone so much better = me"
"I love your brother Adrian. And you need to accept it."
"Fine, but I will never stop loving you Phil. Never."
"Adrian your like my little brother nothing more ok?"
"Dan I texted your brother, he said he would stop with that whole thing."
"Thank god."
"Now brush your teeth. We gotta go real soon."
"K babe." He brushed his teeth and we left. Once we entered the tattoo shop I set up my tattoo equipment, Dan set up his piercing equipment which was only a few feet away. All of a sudden my father burst it, nodded at Nico and started talking to him about getting a new tattoo. Dan and I were panicking. I ran out of the back exit and then Nico said,
"We have a new piercer and a new tattooer." I could hear the entire thing from outside the door.

Dans POV
His dad turned to where I was and where Phil wasn't,
"Howell." He sneered. "What did you do with my son?!"
"Oh my god! How many times do I have to tell you I don't like your son!" I was lying through my teeth
"Where's the new tattoo artist?"
"Do you need a piercing?"
"Can I go take a puff? My shift is over anyway." I walked out of the back exit and we ran to our car. We jumped in and drove as fast as we were allowed to. "I was lying Phil. You know that right?"
"No you weren't."
"I love you so much!"
"Exactly. You don't like me, you love me."
"Word play, I like it." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.
"I love you, Daniel James Howell."
"I love you too, Philip Michael Lester."

A/N IK short chapters suck but I like it. Ilyg <3

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