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She didn't know where she was going, and she didn't care, all Jamie knew was that in five minutes from now she would have to stop and hide. Well, stop and pray that is. She looked up to see numbers on the ceiling and recognized it as a gigantic digital clock....which said she had two minutes left to hide.

"Where to go, where to go?" she questioned herself. Her heart rate was speeding up and she just about reached full on panic mode when she saw it. About ten feet away from her was a door, she had no idea what was inside, but it was better than standing out in the open space. She sprinted to the door and slammed it shut. Once inside the room she saw there was supplies.

Oh thank goodness, she thought and rushed over to look at the items all of which were set on a large metal table.

"How the heck do I use these?" she muttered, again the panic rising. She stood there staring at a metal pole, a knife, rope, scissors, a backpack, and a small basket filled with food. At least she could use the food, knowing that she could be in here for a while.


"Oh no," she groaned fully aware that the game had officially begun. She looked around the room hoping for a small crevice to duck down in when a knock sounded at the door. Frozen with fear, Jamie didn't dare move. If she did she may make noise and let the possible seeker know she was in there, but if she didn't.....she didn't even want to think about what may happen if she were to be found.

"Hello?" said a tiny voice through the door. Jamie stayed silent. "Hello?" it came again though this time it sounded a little more frightened. Then, it hit her. She recognized it as the voice from the little girl who woke her up. She knew she shouldn't let her in, getting caught by a seeker was bad, but if she was caught with a partner, breaking the rules? She gulped and sweat formed underneath her metal suit.

"Is anyone in there? I saw you go in please help me!" the little girl screamed once more. Letting her guilt get the better of her Jamie rush over and cracked the door to yank the girl in. Just as she wrapped her hand around the girl's arm she saw a boy about twelve years old point at them.

"Hey, no partners allowed!" he yelled. Bad mistake, as soon as his sentence left his mouth a black figure came out from nowhere, grabbed him, and pulled him away in a matter of seconds. The scream of the boy echoed throughout the builiding, or whatever they were in.

Once the episode was over Jamie pushed the door shut and without even thinking grabbed the metal pole and shoved it through the door's handle creating a makeshift lock. "That should do it," she said quietly, proud of herself for coming up with a quick solution to keep out both other players and seekers. Then, remembering that there was another person in the room she turned around and stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Jamie," she said confidently, though she didn't feel it, but better to make the girl less scared right?

"I'm Tiffany," whispered the little girl, her blue eyes bloodshot from crying. She was definitely scared and Jamie felt for her. "Thank you for saving me," It was all Jamie could do to not break down in tears herself, but she knew she had to stay strong, for Tiffany's sake.

"Don't you worry, I'll find us a way out of here," she said assuringly, more for herself than Tiffany.

"How?" asked Tiffany, cheering up at the idea of going home. Truth be told, Jamie had no idea how to get out, other than win, and that was one chance out of a thousand.

"I'll find a way," she said knowing it was her only chance of freedom, of going back home, of saving both herself and Tiffany. She would just have to break out of here without being caught. Simple as that, she hoped.

"Promise?" Tiffany looked at her with pleading eyes. This was a tough one, when Jamie promised something, she never broke a promise.


Hi guys, I hope you have as much fun reading the book as I do writing it. See? Less Hunger Gamesy now? I'm still trying to work the kinks in my head of exactly what Jamie and Tiffany are going to do next, and how the leave the room, if they leave it, but I'll figure it out soon. As Jamie once said "Promise." 

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