Security Check

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Jamie immediately ducked back down into her alcove just in time. Whoever had come up the stairs didn't see her, thank goodness. Since, she couldn't go anywhere she sat still and focused on the figure walking around the room. Walking wasn't even the right word. Limping, now that's more like it. From what Jamie could see, she could tell that the person was a middle aged male from his muscular form and slightly grayed hair. Even though he had a limp, he still moved with authority and grace as if nobody would ever tell him what to do. Basically, he seemed intimidating.

After watching the man pace around the room for ten minutes or so, she slumped back, still hidden. Apparently the person, whoever they were, was going to take their sweet  old time roaming the perimeter of the room before leaving. She suppressed a groan that welled up inside her and took a moment to relax. It was nice, especially because she hadn't been able to just sit and think for a long time. This game really does make you go crazy, and when you can find some time for yourself you take it.

Jamie closed her eyes for a few minutes, but was pulled from her daze by a sudden beeping sound. A slight gasp escaped her lips, but luckily the man didn't hear her. She sat forward and saw that the beeping was coming from the control panel in the room. At first she thought it was an emergency alarm, but when she peered a little closer she saw that it was from whatever button the man was pushing. Jamie wished she could see downstairs, maybe if she could then she would see what the man was controlling, but sadly if she moved a muscle the risk of being caught was enormous.

"Ugh, I hate being on security duty," the man stated, clearly talking to himself. At least Jamie knew what he was doing now. Each time he pressed a button he would be looking through a different camera, probably to look for hiders and check up on seekers.

"Everyone gets to run around playing cops and robbers and what am I doing? I'm sitting here starving watching black and white footage of-" he pressed the button once more, "Nothing!" and slumped back in the chair that stood behind the panel and let out a loud sigh.

Jamie tried hard to hide a giggle. As much as she hated being stuck in a corner, this was one of those moments that was better than cable. Much better.

"Blah, blah, blah. Ouch! Pins and needles pins and needles!" the man spoke as he stood up to stretch. From the looks of it, he seemed bored.

After his little yoga session, the man once again began pacing and Jamie wondered if this was a cycle of his. Now that she was getting bored as well, the sleepless nights started to overcome her and she had to fight hard in order to keep her eyes from closing. Jamie moved in her sleep, and she was not about to give herself away.

A few minutes later, Jamie's eyes began to droop. Before they were closed she saw the man open a door and walk out of the room leaving Jamie by herself.

"Finally," she whispered to herself glad that the man had left. She hugged her knees all the while drifting off to sleep. 


Jamie woke up with a start. She tried to look around, but couldn't see. She tried to talk, but couldn't speak. She realized that a hand was covering her face.

"MMMMMMHHHHH!" she tried to scream, but the sound was muffled. Just as she was about to bite whoever's hand was on her she recognized something. The smell of the hand was awfully familiar.

"Jeremy!" she said as she removed his hand and embraced him. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" she hugged him tighter and convinced herself to never let him go. Jeremy pulled away, but from his face she could tell that he was reluctant to do so.

"Jamie, you need to promise not to scream when I tell you this," Jamie nodded understandingly, but had a question before letting Jeremy speak.

"Why on Earth were you covering my face with your hand?" she cracked a small smile finding the whole situation rather amusing. Or maybe she was just happy to see her boyfriend alive and well.

"I needed to wake you up, but I didn't want you screaming in case you didn't know it was me," Jeremy explained, but no smile appeared on his face. He continued telling Jamie what he needed to say, "Jamie, I'm only out here because it's not safe in the supply closet anymore."

"What do you mean?" how was it not safe if both her and Jeremy were fine? A tear slid down Jeremy's cheek before he could speak.

"Whoever was in here with you, they came in and found us. I tried to pretend to be a seeker, but they just took Tiffany from me saying that my shift was done for the day and that he was glad to be off security check," more tears came and he breathed in ragged breaths.

"They took Tiffany!" Jamie exclaimed tears forming in her eyes as well.

"I tried to tell them that I was alright with Tiffany, but they literally took her out of my arms! There was nothing I could do to stop them!" Jeremy looked at Jamie, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.

"I know it's not your fault, Jeremy."

"You-you do?"

"Yes, I do, because it's my fault," she dropped her head into her lap not wanting to see how Jeremy's reaction.

"Huh?" this time it was his turn to be confused. Jamie looked up from her lap to find that he didn't look mad at all, but puzzled.

"I fell asleep, I should've kept a close watch on the man that was in here. I even saw him open a door before I closed my eyes, I guess I assumed that he was leaving the room, not going into the supply closet," Jamie started sobbing when she realized her mistake. Tiffany being captured was her fault, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Hey guysss!!!!! I have and excuse I promise! Okay not really, but it was summer vacation and I was a lazy bum. You know how a body at motion tends to stay at motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest? I was a statue. It also didn't help that I was at camp almost all summer and don't have good wifi up there. Anyways, now that I'm all settled back into school I can be super motivated to update because I'll be in motion! Actually I'll be sitting down, but.....nevermind. This will hopefully not be my only update this weekend because I owe a lot to you guys. I mean a LOT, how can you guys not go insane not being allowed to read a book for 3 months. 3 MONTHS! Thanks for hanging in there guys!

Comment, vote, and read!!!!

P.S. I'm dedicating this chapter to @Limsmudblood because her comment gave me that extra reminder to update!

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