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Grrr.... came a sound from Jamie's stomach. It had been a week since her and Tiffany had first started the game and already they were out of the food that was found in the room. Grrrr..... came the sound again, only this time it came from Tiffany's stomach. Poor girl, how could someone so sweet, and innocent be allowed to go through this? She couldn't take it anymore, she needed to get them both out of here. Now.

"Jamie?" Tiffany whispered faintly.

"Yeah?" she answered back.

"When are we going to go home?" Crap. She knew this question was coming at some point and honestly, she hadn't put one step towards making a move to go home. It's not that she wasn't making an effort, but it was almost impossible. Why had she promised to Tiffany? Why did she bring her hopes up? Why were they even here? Just as she was pondering these questions that had no answers they heard a bang on the door followed by a scream. Great, she thought. This was the fifth time today and each time Tiffany ran and hid in the corner of their small room, terror claiming her eyes.

Just like that it hit her. The perfect idea. Every time she peered over at the girl her heart broke in two. If that was the effect the girl had than she was sure it could be used to get a sympathy vote for someone. Maybe, just maybe, the seekers would let them out. They could find this Professor Hunt and use Tiffany to let them out of the game. She would do anything, anything to get them both home. He had to let them go while looking at that face. This could work, it had to. The plan was so simple, so brilliant. If Jamie had the strength, she would definitely pat herself on the back. But, before this plan of hers could go into action they needed strength, which could only be brought about by food.

"I'm hungry," Tiffany whined. Took the words right out of my mouth Jamie thought. Just one problem, there was no food and a seeker could certainly grab Jamie the second she stepped out of the room. She looked around aimlessly as if that would magically make a turkey dinner appear.

"Ughhh," she groaned and flattened her back on the floor. That's when she saw it. The vent. Heart pounding a mile a minute Jamie stood up and looked closer, from where she was standing she could see that it was screwed shut. No, that won't work. They needed that vent, it could lead them to another room with food, or better, be their one way ticket home if it led outdoors somewhere.

"Watcha lookin' at Jamie?" Tiffany's curiosity distracting her from her hunger.

"I think this vent could lead us somewhere but it's screwed shut," she said angrily, there was no way home, she might as well give up now. Walk out there and find out exactly what the heck degeneration meant.

"Why don't you use these?" Tiffany picked up the scissors and handed them to Jamie. She smiled, this girl was so smart, another reason why she should be home and most certainly not here.

"Tiffany! These are perfect!" Jamie praised Tiffany who smiled at being acknowledged for her job well done. Immediately, Jamie stepped up onto the table in the room which made her just tall enough to reach the vent. Using all the strength she could muster, Jamie stuck the tip of the blade into the screw and twisted. It was tighter than she hoped, but it worked. After all four screws plus the face of the vent wer removed she put one finger to her lips signaling Tiffany to stay quiet, you never know when to be too careful here.

Slowly, but surely, Jamie loaded all the items they had into their backpack and slipped it onto her back. She thought about leaving Tiffany, but decided against it, you never know when or how a seeker could get in, and she needed Tiffany to get out. After some struggle she managed to lift Tiffany up through the vent and hoisted herself up. She placed herself in front of Tiffany wanting to be the first one to meet anything dangerous that could be in there. They crawled for about ten minutes when they came upon another vent face. Jamie peered through and saw exactly what they needed. A basket similar to theirs filled to the brim with food. The problem was, how they were going to get it.

"Food!" Tiffany whispered so excitedly that Jamie had to shush her. There was no way they could get to that food without breaking the vent, she had totally forgotten that the screws were on the other side. Jamie almost broke down into tears when she spotted something moving, the door to the room they peered in opened an a boy that looked about Jamie's age walked in and looked terrified, duh Jamie thought to herself. Aren't we all?

Suddenly he looked up, and those piercing blue eyes couldn't have been more familiar. She had known them for seventeen years, and belonged to them for two. It couldn't be possible, before she could stop herself she heard herself say the name of the boy she had known for so long, the name of the boy she loved and whom loved her back.


Hiii guys, this chapter took forever to write, I know how the end of the middle and the end is going to be, but I need to write a bunch of good filler chapters before that can happen...oh well, happy reading!

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