Little D... Smile For Me?

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"So far I'd say you've been my favorite partner. We were the best, Richard. No matter what anyone thinks."-Damian Wayne 

"Hey, we can't help being great"-Dick Grayson 


Damian Wayne was walking in Wayne Manor. The current boy Wonder was wearing light blue jeans and a red jumper. He wasn't planing on going into a room in particular, but he was letting his mind wonder. He hadn't been alive that long, he was just brought back to life a month ago. But something was out of place. 

Something was diffidently missing, and for the son of the world's greatest detective, nothing could be pulled over his eyes. Or it could, but even without his sight, Damian could kill you. It's not that he didn't know what was missing, off course he knew. How could you ever forget? 

The question wasn't what OR who was missing, the question is why? Why hasn't he been around? Being his usual cheery self, singing very cheesy songs that made no sense. Patrolling, but not like he or Batman. When this person patrolled, it was spectacular. Damian would never admit it but when he went patrolling with him, it was special. It wasn't about having the weight of saving people on your shoulders or screwing up. It was fun. 

Jumping from roof top to roof top. Watching as he would jump down to the villain and make a stupid pun. Damian looked up to his older brother. He wasn't just family or a mentor. Dick Grayson was his best friend, his rock. He had turned him into what he is today, the boy who saves lives instead of taking them. 

The young hero had walked into Dick's room. The bed was made, thanks to Alfred. His closet was half open with a few clothes sticking out. And on his bedside table sat his phone, a picture of the Batfamily. But this was strange because Dick didn't go anywhere without his phone. And his Nightwing costume was also here. How was he fighting crime if he didn't have his suit? A few days ago Damian had been to his apartment in Bludhaven, but the door was locked. Not that that would stop the son of Batman. 

Damian had gotten himself in, but he was clearly not ready to see the sight before him. The apartment was empty, nothing was there, nothing. On impulse Damian thought that maybe the hero went back to the Titans, but that wasn't possible. So the young Robin got fed up with waiting for his big brother's return and decided to ask his father. He walked into the sitting room. The fire was going, and Titus, Damian's great Dane was sitting at the foot of Bruce Wayne. 

In a large chair sitting close to the fire, Bruce Wayne sat reading a newspaper. On the couch sat Tim Drake, Tim was typing on his laptop with his feet on Titus. And Alfred was dusting a bookcase in the corner. Damian first made a remark to Tim. "-TT. Drake get your feet off my dog" Tim looked up at Damian and down at his feet. "Why? You do it" 

Damian glared. "Yes. But he is my dog" Tim just smirked, clearly amused that he annoyed the little brat. "Well I never got a dog when I was Robin" They both looked over to Bruce, who didn't budge in the slightest. He just kept reading his newspaper. "Can't you just use Alfred the cat or Batcow as your foot stool?"

"Batcow and Alfred are not stools. And the only reason you didn't get a dog is because father doesn't love you" Bruce's voice growled in a warning tone. "Damian!" Damian winced, but turned to his father. "Father, I have a question" Sighing Bruce put down his newspaper, knowing he won't be able to finish it. Bruce made eye contact with his son and nodded, telling him to continue. 

"Where is Grayson?" When the words escaped his mouth Alfred had stopped cleaning and turned to the conversation. And Tim winced when Damian mentioned Dick's name. Damian had confusion written all over his small face, as he waited for an explanation. Bruce's face turned into sadness. 'He needed to pretend Dick was dead, they can't know' Bruce told himself. 

Bruce told Damian to sit on the couch, the seat closet to him. Alfred had even joined everyone. "Damian" Bruce's voice was soft. "He- Dick, it was a few weeks before you came back. He- Bruce met his son's gaze- Damian, Dick's dead" Damian wasn't expecting this. His face twisted into horror. No it was worse than horror. No words could describe the Boy Wonder's hurt, he looked as if you just kicked a kitten and walked over his face wearing five inch heels. 

He stood up. He didn't know exactly why he decided too do this action. He wasn't even controlling his own mind. He looked at every other person's face. Alfred held a sadness that was dark, Tim was holding back tears and Bruce was looking depressed. But that was nothing to what Damian was feeling. 

He wanted and needed to cry. He wanted to just let the Joker strangle him. But he couldn't show tears, especially in front of his father. He kept fighting with these emotions at hand. He was trying his best, until he had looked at the walls. Around the room were pictures hung up off all the past Robins. There was Dick posing in his robin costume, looking ridiculous. The first time he wore his Nightwing costume, Dick and Jason at Christmas when Jason was Robin. Damian and Dick, with Dick as Batman. And a moment Damian would never forget. The time Dick dragged Jason, Tim, he and Cassandra all to watch a new Disney movie. 

That's when he realized that tears were flowing down his face, he furiously wiped at them, but they just kept coming. Alfred had left to get tissues and Bruce stared down at his son with sorrow in his eyes. And Tim, well Tim was crying as well. This was rare as Damian had never seen him cry. But he was, Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne was yapping like a little baby.  

Damian had thought that the day he saw Tim cry would be the happiest day off his life. However, Damian cried with him. Alfred had returned with a box of tissues and gave them to Tim. Tim pulled out a tissue and held it out to his little brother. Damian had met Tim's eyes, and for once they both understood each others pain. Damian reached out and held the tissue in his hand, but Tim hadn't let go off the other end. 

Damian looked up at the hero as he pulled Damian into a hug. He didn't pull away. He just hugged deeper into his big brother. Even Alfred was crying. And Bruce had to wipe a small tear away from his eyes. 


I got a little emotional writing this. Because Dick is my favourite character. But anyway next is-

Do You Think I Care?... I do

Jason doesn't know about Dick. So Bruce goes to tell Jason. Jason pretends not to care but deep down... The old Robin loved his big brother. 

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