Titans' Bad Day

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Word that Dick had passed away had gotten around. Now everyone knew. And it was devastating. The old Teen Titans had just received word. Beast Boy, Raven and Donna Troy had all heard. And weren't happy...


Beast Boy- 

Garfield Logan is still a Titan, with the new team off course. So when he had heard the news, he was in Titan's tower. He couldn't believe Dick was gone. Gar's life wasn't all that great at the moment. He and the other Titans weren't very friendly with one another. And Raven and he had 'taken a break' from their relationship. The young man was in no shape to handle this. He could remember the first day he had ever met Dick Grayson. He thought it was awesome that he would be working with someone that was close to the Batman. Cyborg, beasties best friend had left a short while ago to join the JLA. 

Cyborg was pretending that he doesn't know him. Or he might be too busy with League 'business'. Raven was pretty much ignoring him, maybe he made a mistake?... He doesn't know. And all these 'new' Titans. He knew Tim Drake, he was Dick's little brother. Tim had left for a little time, to grieve. Maybe BB just needed that too. Life hasn't been that good to him. Ever since his parents died. And then he is green, with pointy ears.. and a fang. Plus his girlfriend was a psychopath, that killed herself. But Dick was one of his closet friends. Dick had taught him new things. Opened his life up to a better life.....

Donna Troy- 

Donna lost her Husband and son in an accident. Damn, life wasn't being good to her. But when was it ever good? After all these years, she still misses them like crazy! But thinking back to her childhood. She was not much older than fifteen years old when she first met Richard John Dick Grayson. He was thirteen at the time. She, Wally West and Roy Harper would meet up in the JLA tower and mess around while their mentors were at meetings. Dick was the youngest off them all. They would all tease him. And when they became a little bit mature they agreed-ed that they would start a team. 

Donna had remembered she and Dick growing up together. He was like her little brother. Dick had helped her when Terry and Robert died. Dick and she had protected the world together on countless occasions. They had laughed and cried together. They were family. For as long as she could remember Dick was there for her. Now what would she do? 


Over the years as a Titan and being a hero, Raven has finally learned to control her emotions. But when I heard that Dick.. died, I wasn't so sure. I never was good at showing my emotions or even dealing with them. Dick was gone. She had known him for so long. He was her leader, her friend, the man's wedding she had stopped because she was in-love with him. He had helped her when every one turned her back because she was Trigon's daughter. And she never got the chance to thank him for it. She could never return the HUGE favor he had done for her. 

Raven was beginning to find it hard to control her emotions. But she had to! She needed to. Even if it hurt. For the sake of mankind. That's when the half demon had decided. She would repay Dick. But not by bringing him back. Because that would be impossible ;) She would not let her father succeed in taking over the world. This is how she would repay him. By not going over to the dark side again. 

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