You're Dead

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Red Hood, Red Robin and Robin were all on patrol and split up to cover Gotham city. Damian had taken the East and he had to do a double take when he landed on one roof top and a shadowed figure stood in a grey jumpsuit. He stopped dead in his tracks as the man he thought was dead beamed at him.
"Hiya, Dami"
Damian didn't waste anytime. He raced over and hugged the older man. Dick was taken back but hugged him anyway.
"You're supposed to be dead"
"Last time I cheeked you were too."
Damian wouldn't let go and when Tim and Jason landed they almost had kittens!
Damian released Dick and he stepped closer to his brothers. But Jason took a step back.
"I can't believe it!"
Tim gave Dick a hug.
"I missed you all so much"
Once Dick and Tim split up, Dick turned to Jason who was glaring at him.
"Jason? Aren't you happy I'm alive?"
Jason punched Dick square in the face.
"You're an asshole, Dick Grayson. You made us think you were dead. Why?! Some kind of sick joke?! I don't care why the hell you did this! If Bruce set you up to it or whatever but you never do that to fami- to another Robin! It's not fair! You can't-"
Dick hugged Jason and Jason accepted it as Dick pulled Damian and Tim into the hug as well.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

Wally had just put Captain Cold back behind bars and was watching Keystone from a rooftop when he heard a voice behind him,
"We've come so far"
Wally took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was hearing things. Dick was dead. Gone. He needed to wrap his head around it- a hand landed on his shoulder and he spun on his heel to see Dick Grayson. His eyes popped out of his head.
"For someone called the Flash you sure are slow at realising things"
Wally moved away from Dick.
"You're dead"
"Not anymore"
Wally studied Dick for a millisecond.
"What am I-"
"Hot dogs, Linda, kids, food, this is Dick, God I missed that asshole-"
Dick was cut off when Wally embraced him. The two best friends hugged for a long time.
"God, I can't believe it"

Alfred was carrying a vase into the kitchen. He had found the perfect place for- he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the black haired, grinning man standing there. The vase shattered as he clutched his rapid beating heart. Seeing the panic he was causing the old man, Dick raised his hands in surrender.
"Alfie, calm down. I'm real"
Alfred broke down crying and Dick comforted him.

Bruce was checking the house as he locked up for the night. He visited Damian's room. No Damian. In Tim's room. No Tim. Jason's room. No Jason. The Batcave. The kitchen. The living room. The cars. No kids! He went to Dick's room and found them all snuggled in bed sleeping. He smirked. His son was loved so deeply and he was so proud and so happy to have him back home.

When Dick Grayson 'Died'Where stories live. Discover now