Best Friends, Even When Your Not Here Anymore

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Wally West had just come home from saving the day...Again. And he was looking forward to just relaxing and having fun with his family. Quickly he had changed into ordinary clothes in the blink off an eye. Saving people was a lot harder now that he couldn't bring his kids with him. Linda forbid it. He walked into his house. It was quiet, to quit. The scarlet speedster thought maybe it was his birthday? But brushed the thought off. He looked into his living room. No sign off life. He sped up stairs. Nothing. He heard a voice coming from the kitchen. He slowly walked into the kitchen. Clearly not ready for the sight he was about to see. 

At the table sat both his children. Iris and Jai West. Jai looked depressed. As if you had just kicked his kitten. Which couldn't be right. He didn't even have a kitten! Wally didn't even like cats. He was more off a dog person. However, his daughter was crying. She looked so sad, it made Wally want to beat the snot out of the kid that hurt his little princess. He quickly walked over and bent down so he was Iris' height. "Honey what's wrong? Who made you cry?" Iris just looked at her dad and cried harder. 

Wally wanted to cry with his daughter. He looked at Jai. Jai met his gaze before turning away, trying not to cry. A thought ran through his head. 'Where's Linda?!' Wally looked around the room faster than physically possible. His wife walked in from the bathroom carrying a box of tissues. She was crying as well. The only thought that might be wrong is that Barry, Jay or Bart are hurt. Linda sees her husband and hugs him. "I'm so sorry Wally!" Wally was taken back. 'What is going on!?!" 

Seeing the confusion on her husband's face, her face fell. "You don't know?" "Know what?" "Wally Superman had just called. Batman's taking some time off" "Why?" "Dick's dead" Those dreaded words hunted Wally.


A few days later Wally visited the hole that his best friend would soon lay in. He had a bunch of blue bells. Even though there was nothing in the ground yet, Wally knew this was his friend's new home. He bent down and looked down into the hole. "Hey Dickiebird. It's been a while. I haven't seen you since last Saturday and Sunday. Who the hell is going to watch and drink beer with me on Saturdays? Or even eat Sunday meals with me and my- Our family?" Wally's head dropped as he tried not to cry. "Dammit Dick. You idiot. Why'd you have to die?" Wally finally let himself weep. "I need my Robin. What am I going to do? Every speedster needs their Robin. I wish we were kids again" Wally smiled. "When we didn't know what the hell we were doing. We were having fun. And when we were in the Titans. You started dating Starfire and I had a load of other girlfriends.." He had finally looked up. "Even when I left the Titans. You were still my best friend. I'd lie and say I wish I had never left the Titans. But you'd see right through it"

"I'm glad I left. And I met Linda. And had kids. I know you wanted the life I have. I want that life for you to. But you do have that life. Linda loves you like a brother. And Irey and Jai love you like an uncle. You'll always be a West Dick. Because your my brother. And brothers are forever" Wally looked up at the cloudy sky, as rain pelted down. Standing up he had torn the flowers apart. Now there was a mess of blue petals on the ground. He pulled a pair of yellow goggles out of his pocket and smiled sadly. "Remember these? Yeah, I know. I haven't worn these since I was Kid Flash... I want you to have these. Oh and when your parting hard up there... Don't forget me. Because I won't forget about you.." He threw the goggles down the muddy hole and left. 


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