Emotions From Hong Kong

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Cassandra Cain had been in Hong Kong for the last year and a half. She had seen her family. They would talk everyday and sometimes they would come over and do missions with her. She had been with the Bat family for over fifteen years. Currently, she was in her safe house. Typing on her computer and talking to Bruce and Dick on her com link. "They know your both there. Batman, they have over ten hostages!" Cass had warned. Bruce's response came back immediately. "I'm on my way to help Dic-" 

Suddenly he had stopped talking. This frightened Cassandra to no end. She tapped her com link on and off. She kept yelling into the com link, but there was no answer. 'What the hell had happened to Bruce?! She couldn't lose him again!" Finding no other option she had contacted the Bat cave. "Alfred! Tim! Steph! Someone help!!" Alfred had answered. "Miss Cassandra?" Relief washed over her as she wasted no time asking questions. "Alfred wheres Jason, Steph, Tim and Barbara?!" Alfred responded. "Master Jason is out of the country with the Outlaws. Master Timothy has went out with Connor Kent and Bart Allen. And Stephanie is who knows where? Why would you like to know?"

Cassandra became worried again. Her heart beat sped up. Until she heard Bruce's voice in her com link. She sighed a breath of relief. "Cassandra" His voice was strained and she knew something was wrong. She could read him. "Dick didn't make it" She held her breath as she stared hard at the ground. Dick was gone? Dick Grayson... "I want you to come home. Go now. I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow morning at eight am" Then the line was dead. Cass couldn't believe this. 

How did he die? Why did he have to die? She packed a small suitcase and brought things she would need. Trailing her small suitcase she left to go to the airport. No emotion present. After walking three miles. She was like a zombie. She had bought a ticket. Waited, then bored-ed the plane. An air hostess can and offered her a drink off tea. Which she took. "Hey, aren't you Bruce Wayne's kid?" Cass nodded. Taking out her wallet she handed the lady a generous tip. Looking at her wallet she happened to look at the pictures Stephanie insisted she put in before she left.

There was one with she and Steph. Stephanie had dragged her into a photo booth and take silly pictures. The next was at a family gathering Dick made everyone go to. It was her and Jason sitting at a table. Jason was downing a beer and Cass was watching him. Next was Damian, he was red in the face. With Steph, Cass, Tim and Dick laughing at him. She smiled at the memories. Then there was the one Dick had taken. Cassandra had attend her first Wayne party. Which was her own. She was wearing a black silk dress. Everyone had told her she was lovely. Bruce was standing with her and he had pride in his eyes.

The last was off Dick and she. He was pretending to be Batman. And had drawn a mustache on his face. He had lifted her bridle style and posed as if he would save the day. Cass was in his arms laughing. That's when she couldn't hold it anymore, she let herself cry. Tears streamed down her face, but she refused to wipe them. She had everything she had ever wanted. She was a hero, she was good. She could read and right and even talk. She had a family. She had four brothers, a father, a grandfather (Alfred), and Babs and Steph, who were like sisters. 

That was all she ever wanted. She recalled when Bruce had died. She was going to give up on the hero gig. Dick had told her that he didn't care what she did because she would always be his sister. He had told her if she wanted to retire as Batgirl, she could. When she told him she wanted to be Black Bat, he had helped her and given her a mission to save Hong Kong. She loved her big brother. When the plane had landed she hadn't realized she had been looking at the pictures for so long. Racing off the plane, she forgot her luggage. She sped through security, when she saw him. Bruce Wayne was standing by the pick up line. He was wearing his suit with hands in his pockets, ignoring the reporters surrounding him. Cass ran into his arms. Bruce was shocked, but hugged her back. And she didn't even care that the reporters were snapping pictures.



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