I Don't Believe You!

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"How'd you know? How'd you know I'd be there to save you?"- Dick 

"You're my brother, Dick. You'll always be there for me"- Tim 


Tim Drake was speeding through the streets of Gotham. Furiously wiping at his wet eyes. Yes, Timothy Jackson Drake- Wayne was crying. He was in his PJs. Not his boxers. He was wearing stripped pajama bottoms and a grey loose t-shirt. He had his green slippers on as well. He was currently on his motor cycle, heading out of Gotham city. It was late. For a sixteen year old who had school in the morning, but he didn't care. For once he couldn't care less. 

That's why at one in the morning he was speeding around in his PJs. However, he didn't know what came over him. It was something poking at him, telling him to prove them wrong. He needed to know it wasn't true. That maybe he was sleep walking and it was all a crazy dream. It had all started just an hour ago....


Tim was carrying a glass off water to his room, in Wayne manor. He should have been asleep already, I mean he did have school and being a super hero. However, he was thirsty. So he had went down into the kitchen to fetch himself a drink. His adoptive father hadn't come back from patrol yet. Tim made it to his room. He closed the door and kicked his slippers off. Before sitting on the bed and drinking down his water. He could hear footsteps outside his room. He knew it was wrong to listen, but on the other hand... 

Bruce and Alfred's voice came out as whispers. "What do you mean master Bruce?" Tim heard Bruce mumble something. And he heard whippers. Curiosity now present, Tim walked over and put his ear up to the door. "Master Dick... Is-is gone?" Alfred asked. Tim chocked on the water he had held in his mouth. Hearing this strange sound, the two grown men opened the door to see Tim staring up at them. "What do you mean Dick's gone?!" Bruce and Alfred shared a sad look. Tim yelled at Bruce. "Dammit tell me Bruce! I'm not 10 years old anymore" "Tim. Dick's gone" Tim ran into his room and slammed the door. "I don't believe you!"


Everything else was a blur. Just like Tim's vision. Again he rubbed his red, teary eyes. By this team he had reached Bludhaven. He jumped off his motor cycle, not even bothering to turn it off. He raced up to an apartment building. Up the long flight off stairs, until he got to room 1013. (That's actually his number to the building, lol) He searched in his pockets. And pulled out a set off keys. He used a blue key and entered the apartment. But he stopped, as his eyes absorbed the horror. 

Boxes upon boxes of everything that once was in the apartment. Tim was getting to emotional. His palms began to sweat and his heart rate increased. The room was spinning. He opened a box, inside was files and cases Nightwing was working on. Tim ran over to another box, this one was filled with letters. He picked up a small envelop. And in squiggly writing, everyone knew was Dick's, Tim walked into Dick's bathroom. Everything was gone. Only a toilet and bath left. Tim leaned against a wall to keep his balance. 

With shaky hands he opened the envelop. And he read it.... 

Baby wing,

Or Tim. You know I love using your nickname. Anyway, if your reading this then I'm most likely dead. And if your in my apartment at a late time of night in your PJs, then I'm guessing your not taking my death well. I bet you weren't expecting a letter. But I wrote one because I knew one day I'd go. Oh and could you give the letters out. There's one for Bruce, Alfred, Jason, Cass, Dami, and Steph... OK, OK. I'm getting to the point. 

Alright Tim. I know you feel scared and alone. I've felt it all before. But don't blame Bruce for my death. It's no one's fault. But still. I know you Timmy, and I know your having a heart attack because you don't have me anymore. I felt that when Jason died. I was such a jerk to him. But we can always change our futures baby wing. We can also find a way. I've kept the family going, but I can't now. So I'm passing the responsibility to you. 

I want you to look after Dami and Jaybird for me. Or I'll come back and hunt you all down and take you back with me! I hope I've been a great brother to you Tim. That's all I've ever wanted. I want you to have a good long life. I want you to be free, be me. Tim be me. Don't be a hero because you have a dark past and you want villains to pay. Do it because you're helping people and because it gives you the freedom to live. That's all Tim. But if your ever missing me.. Go out there and kick some villains butts, cause I'll be there with you. 

Yours truly,                                                                                                                                                                                                                  your big brother Dick

By this time Tim was balling his eyes out. He slammed his head against the wall and cried, hard. Having enough, he held the envelop tightly in his hand and walked into the hall. He stopped outside a door. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he entered. Inside it was just how Dick had left it. His bed unmade. Closet opened, with clothed hanging out. Pictures of his Bat family by his bed side. Tim lay on the bed and cried for hours. Until sleep took over.


At six am in the morning Bruce entered Dick's apartment. The man looked torn apart. Bags were under his eyes. He entered Dick's bedroom to see his son. Tim was curled up in a ball, with a note and a mask in his hands. His face was red and was stained from crying. Bruce couldn't help let a smile grace his lips, as he lifted his son into his arms. Tim mumbled something, before heading off to dream land. 


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