Red Hood and The Outlaws

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Roy Harper and Starfire were supposed to be leaving Gotham city tonight. But they were waiting for their best friend Jason Todd. They travel the world fighting crime together. They were only in Gotham for a weekend, and the weekend was now up. Roy and Star were waiting for Jay to show up. But it was now 7.30 at night. Getting fed up Roy sighs. "Where the hell is he?!" Starfire flew over to a computer and began to type. "I will trace him" Roy watched as Starfire brought up a map. And on the map was a small red circle that looked like Jason's Red Hood mask. It was marked at Wayne manor. Roy began to fill with panic, that he wouldn't actually admit. Starfire could see the emotion in her boyfriend. She flew over and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "What is the matter?"

Roy turned away from the Tameranean beauty and narrowed his eyes. "Those f****** Bats must've taken Jaybird. Those no good b******" Starfire was confused. 'Who were these people? And why would they want to hurt Jason? And how are they Bat creatures?' Roy began to pack guns and arrows. "Star hun, let's go" Roy took his motor bike as Star flew. They both zoomed through the busy streets off Gotham city. Finally they made it to Wayne manor. They both slowly made their way over the big gates and were half way across the lawn before the alarm goes off. In a matter of seconds Bruce, Alfred, Damian and Tim were standing on the lawn in their PJs. "Roy?" Tim questionably asked. "Harper, Andreas what're you both doing here?" Damian folded his arms. Roy pulled out his gun and pointed it at Bruce who just narrowed his eyes. "We know you have Jason." Starfire glared. "Let our friend be!" Tim and Damian started to laugh. 

Confused, Roy lowered his gun and turned to the two Robins. "What the hells so funny?!" Damian folded his arms and Tim grinned. "Jason-" Beut before Tim could give an answer the door to the manor opens, and a light shines out. Everyone turns to see Jason Todd in his boxers staring at them. Relieved Star flew over to her team mate and hugged him. Jason groggily pushed her off of him. He just asked, "Why are you both here?" "To save you" Tired and annoyed, Damian just growled at Roy. "He doesn't need your help. What could you do anyway? You're a pathetic excuse for a hero. Both of you are" Roy raised the gun so it was aiming at Damian's head. "I know what it's like to lose a kid, brat. And I know Batman would be pissed to lose another Robin" Damian narrowed his eyes. The gun pointing at his head not even scaring him a bit. However, the other members of the Batfamily were cautious. Tim even moved closer to the boy. Bruce was furious that someone would threaten his son. "But the gun down. You can't win against three Bats. Give Alfred the gun. Tim, Jason, and Damian go in side" Bruce ordered. Damian was about to protest when Tim dragged him in. Tim then returned and dragged Jason as well. 

Roy gave his weapons to Alfred. "All of them" Roy took out hidden weapons from his suit and gave them to the butler. He and Starfire then entered the manor. Alfred and Bruce quickly following after. Jason and the 'family' had told Roy and Starfire of their loss. Roy was stunned. He felt bad. Dick and him were best buddies, back in the day. But he hadn't talked to the old Robin in almost two years. He couldn't believe he was gone. Starfire couldn't remember who Dick was and kept asking about him when everyone was grieving. Furious, the archer grabbed his girlfriend by her arms, red marks already appearing on her orange skin and yelled. "Dick was our friend. Our leader" Sadly he let go and looked away before replying. "Dick Grayson. Was. The. Love. Of. Your. Life" Suddenly something clicked in her Tameranean head. Flash backs of her and Dick come into her head. Tears streamed from her eyes. How could she ever forget him? He was once her everything? 

After a few hours Roy and Starfire were going to leave Gotham. They stood at the door with Bruce and Jason. "Well Jaybird. Are you coming?" Jason was about to answer when Bruce replied for him. "Actually Jason's going to stay with the family for a while" Roy nodded and left the house. Starfire gave Jason a hug. "I hope you will soon be feeling the better" Jason accepted  the hug this time. Once his team were gone Jason went to his room and sat for a while. He looked at the gun at his bedside and smiled....Tim raced into the livingroom where Bruce, Damian and Alfred were all currently located. Everyone turned to him. "Jason's gone." Driving straight out of Gotham city was Roy Harper on his motorbike. Starfire flew above head. They drove threw the night sky. And before they knew it, Red Hood flew through the air on a grappel hook. Both were shocked and happy to see their friend. "What're you doing here?" Jason just smirked. "I wasn't going to let you guys have all the fun" They continued on their journey, but Jason watched the city bellow him, as he thought to himself. 'I'm doing this for him. He would want me to continue. After all he's my hero' 

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