Tears Of Love

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It was a unbelievably cold day. It was October and everyone was miserable. In the Wayne graveyard gathered heroes far and wide, those who knew Dick Grayson and those who never had. Heroes came from far and wide (and even space) to pay their respects to the beloved Robin. The mass had been long since over. It was a very dark mass. Bruce, Tim and Wally had all given speeches about Dick. Jason only showed up at the grave yard as many people didn't like him. And Damian hadn't spoken a word all day. After mass everyone followed the empty coffin to the graveyard. The undertaker turned to Bruce, Bruce nodded, giving permission for the coffin to be put in the ground. Heroes cried and others put on a brave face. Jason turned away from the crowd to wipe his tears from his eyes. Alfred cried into a handkerchief, and Tim was comforted by Stephanie. Cassandra stood beside Bruce. She let a few tears drop, but Bruce wiped them off. Even Bruce shed a few tears. Everyone was weeping. All except one. Damian stood, hands in his suit pockets and watched as the coffin went lower and lower. 

Everyone wasn't surprised that he didn't want to show emotion in front of people. But no one expected what he would do next. The wind blew threw the air causing people to shiver. Leaves of different colours blew beneath his feet. His head began to hurt and feel heavy. He's vision got blurred as he looked around. Titans, the league, heroes dressed as normal people were everywhere. His family members were so upset. The coffin was half way down. His heart began to beat at a rate that isn't normal. And Grayson's words repeated in his head. "I'm so proud of you Dami! You've changed so much. And you didn't do it because of me or Bruce. You did it because you're you. And you're so special. I love you kiddo" That's when it finally kicked in. Damian let out an ear bleeding scream as he jumped down and hugged the coffin for dear life. He just lay there and cried. Bruce, Cass, Tim, Jason and Stephanie raced over to see if the Robin was OK.

After the funeral Bruce entered the Batcave. Dick jumped down from the celling.  "Got you!" Bruce walked past his eldest and began to type at his computer. "How long do I have to keep doing this Bruce?" Bruce didn't answer for a while. "I don't know" Dick walked over to the older man and watched him type away, a smile placed itself on his face. "How'd they take the news?" Bruce turned around and began to explain everything. Dick was in shock. "I can't believe so many people care" Bruce got up and walked out. "Get back to Spyral, Dick. I'll contact  you in two months" He left, but Dick sat down at the computer and picked up the phone. He dialed a number and waited. "Wayne Manor, Tim speaking. How can I help you?" Dick didn't answer, but he didn't know how much he had truly missed his little brother's voice. He heard Jason's voice in the background. 

"Who is replacement?" Tim had covered the phone, but he could still hear their muffled conversation. "I don't know. And stop calling me that!" "Give me the phone" Dick listened as Jason snatched the phone from Tim and snapped down the line "Alright bunk. You think it's funny to prank call us? I'll break your f!££%$^^ face!" Dick couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Jason's manner of talking to people. He silenced himself as Damian took the phone. "Let me handle this Todd" "Who is this?! Answer me!" Dick smiled. All his brothers were together. Just like he had always wanted. He whispered one word down the line. "Family..." The phone was now on loud speaker, all three Robins had heard the voice and were in shock. "You don't think?" "It couldn't be!" "Maybe it is.." If they didn't think he was dead, they certainly were sure he isn't dead now. 


This is the last chapter of this book. Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed it. And I'm sorry I didn't update as much. I hope you all can check out my other books. 

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