Chapter 4: Twins

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Chapter 4

Maddie's pov

"Alright Maya and Maddie you're up!" Mr. Matthews said. Maya and I went up and started walking about the project.

"And that's about it..." Maya said. I nodded and the class clapped.

"Great job! Just write your name on here." Mr. Matthews said.

No One's pov

Maddie wrote her name. Then Maya. But something caught Maya's attention.

"Clutterbucket?" she asked. Riley, Farkle, and Lucas' eyes went wide opened.

"Yeah...?" Maddie said/asked. Maddie never knew about Katy or Maya. On the other hand Maya knew about Kermit, but no Maddie.

"You father's name is..." she said.

"Kermit." Maddie finished. Maya's eyes went wide.

"Birthday?" she asked.

"January 16th, 2002." Maddie said.

"Birth father?"

"Kermit Clutterbucket."

"Birth mother?"

"No idea. My dad said she left us when I was born."

"Lies! Your father is a liar!" Riley yelled as she stood up.

"What? What's going on?" an innocent Maddie asked. Maya stuck out her hand.

"Maya Hart. Born January 16th, 2002. Birth mother Katy Hart, Birth father...Kermit Clutterbucket." she said. Maddie stood there shocked. Maya waved her hand over Maddie's face.

"Maddie? Earth to Maddie!" she said.

"Ya broke her." Mr. Matthews said.

"Wait. That makes us..." Maddie said.

"Twins." Maya said. The whole class gasped. Maddie stood there shocked again with her jaw hung open. Maya closed it.

"You're gonna catch flies sweetie." she said.

"Th-th-th-WHAT!?" Maddie said. Everyone nodded. The bell rang and Maddie grabbed her bag.

"My father's got some explaining to do!" she said and stormed out, not caring to miss any periods. Maya grabbed her bag and followed Maddie.

"Same with my mom! Meet at Topanga's in 10 minutes!" she said. Maddie nodded with rage.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to keep writing this! Sometimes I doubt myself when I write. No idea why, but I do it a lot. But thanks for helping! Thanks for reading! Please vote! I hope you enjoy!! :)

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