Friends or Lovers

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Jaied's P.O.V

I woke up and went to the kitchen where a delicious smell was coming from. I was so tired after me and Sean had sex I had to stay up and finish my persuasive essay which took all most three hours. Seriously try typing a persuasive essay that has to be fifteen pages I was done explaining my side by the sixth page.

I sat down at the table and watched as Sean helped kaeli try and flip a pancake it was a beautiful site to see. Sean made the plates and we sat down and ate. Sean was sitting next to me and kaeli was across from me. The whole time we ate Sean kept inching his hand up my thigh which was giving me goose bumps and turning me.

I got up from the table and washed my dishes then headed upstairs to take a shower. I gather all my hygiene stuff and got in the shower. So I'm in the shower and all of a sudden I feel a cold draft of air hit my back then the shower door shut. I turn around and Sean is standing there naked. He then grabbed my waist and kissed me I gave in at first then I remembered something.

"I can't do this again" I told him getting out the shower with shampoo dripping from my hair.

"What!? Why? " he asked stepping out the shower too.

"Because I'm still in a relationship with Treshawn and I'm trying to make it work with him"

" how long y'all been back together. I thought y'all was just talking again I didn't think you would get back with him" he said sounding a little sad why? I don't know cus it was his idea to strictly just be sex buddies.

" its only been a few days since we gotten back together. It wasn't like I was with you and him at the same time" I tell him putting my clothes on. I put on a gray romper with a pair of grey gladiator sandals.

"What about us tho J" he asked putting on some basketball shorts.

Before I could respond I felt the urge to throw up. I almost made it to the toilet when I vomited all over the floor and blacked out.

Sean's P.O.V

I took J to the hospital after she vomited and passed out ,before I could catch her she hit her head so the doctors have to run test.

"¡ Dios mío! ¿Es ella está bien Sean?" J's mom says coming towards me with J's dad. Though I've been around them for a long time my Spanish is rusty good thing I know how to ask for English.
" inglés por favor" I ask her.

"I'm sorry niño, Jaide is she OK?"she repeats in english.

"I don't know yet lo siento(I'm sorry)" I tell her.

We sit and wait and a little while later Jaide comes out talking to a doctor. Her mom and dad rush over to her and hug her and making sure she OK and stuff while I just sit and watch.. I watch as her parents start walking out the door and she start walking towards me.

"Hey you OK" I ask as she stops in front of me.

"We need to talk" she said

" I know your with Treshawn so Ima be there for you cuz we go way back...."

" I'm pregnant" she said cutting me off.

"OK congrats. I hope you two are wonderful parents". I told her feeling a little jealous.

"The baby's yours" she stated.

"Are you serious?" I asked shock

" I understand if you don't want to keep it..." She started to say.I had no other choice than to tell her how I feel.
" I'm in love with Jaide. I think deep down I always knew I was ,but I never wanted to ruin our friendship. You want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

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