Finding Kaeli

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Jaide P.O.V

I still can't believe that someone tried to kill me and my baby, but thank God we're both okay. I'm still in the hospital they want to make sure me and the baby are okay to go home. Sean is so sweet I swear, he's been bringing me real good food everyday because this hospital food is nasty. Right now in laying here with Deaja and Sean they been at each others throat since they been here.

" Yo give me and my girl some privacy always up in her face. I don't want all your ugliness to rub off on her or my daughter." Here they go again.

" Sean Augustine Whitaker the 3rd if you don't shut up ima beat yo ass and you know damn well I ain't ugly and you better back up before your son come out stupid like you."

" She ain't having a Lil nigga she's having a Lil princess"

" Its a boy and you know it"

"You want to bet"

" Will both of y'all shut the fuck up!y'all irritating as hell I don't know what I'm having but he or she will be adorable and book smart"

" Yeah Sean" D said sticking her tongue out.

" Baby? "

" Yes gorgeous"

"I want food"

"From where?"

" my usual from taco bell"

" okay I'll be back. Give me a kiss"
I gave him a peck on the lips.

" ew J you might wanna wash your mouth he got all kinds of germs" Deaja said while covering her mouth. Sean popped her in the head and ran out the door. Now that he's gone I can talked to D.

" D where we at on finding kaeli"

" we not sure who took her but we know she still in the city and she on the east side. J I know you want to find her , we all do, but uncle Javier will kill me for letting you do this. Just let the boys do it. You have a lot to loose if you get caught remember you are in law school."

"What does law school have to do with any of this D I just want to find her and if I have to do illegal stuff than I will" she really pissing me off I'm tired of people telling what I can and can't do I'm a grown ass woman I do wtf I want to do.

" J don't you get it your pops don't want you throwing your life away trying to run these streets. I know you better than any body and I'm telling you not as your cousin but your friend let James handle it. I know you know that I'm right so stop being stubborn and listen to me or I will tell uncle Javi." Damn she is right though but how she gone snitch on me like that.

"Fine" I said " but if they don't find her by the end of the month someone is going to die period ."

We sat and watched TV until Sean came back with the food and Justyn.

" Hey Justyn" me and D said.

"How y'all know I wasn't Andre shit y'all act like me and him don't look alike or something." Justyn stay bitching with his goofy ass.

" Y'all don't look alike no more Andre gets more sun then you" I said reaching for my food.

Justyn P.O.V

I know J gone be happy with the news I got from James.

" Yo J I come with good news," I say taking one of the chairs next to the bed.

"What is it?"

"We found Kaeli but its going to take a couple days to get her home safe"

"So who took her?" Deaja asked.

"Well someone who uncle Javi thought was cool, he controls the east he known by the name Death Duhart."

"Yo did you say Duhart on the east side" Jaide asked.

"Yea, why do you know something I don't Jaide?" I asked a little confused.

" oh um.. No I was making sure I heard you right" if I didn't know better I'd say she's hiding something.

James P.O.V

I can't wait till I get my hands on this nigga. Who the fuck he think he is? And he really thought he wasn't going to get caught. I called a meeting so we can plan the raid. I'm sitting here while Jamir goes over the plan and assign roles.

" James you and I will come in when all the guards down stairs are taken out then will go and look for Death. By this time Sarah would have got in grabbed Kaeli and took her home, once we get death we grab him and get out of there."Jamir informs me.

"Wait why don't we just kill him there." One of the young soldier's asked.

"Because by the time we reach him 5'0 will be in route to his place and I ain't going to prison bruh aight" Mir said breaking it down for the youngn.

"How do we get passed his security?" Slim a dude that's been down wit us for years, and is a techno geek asked.

"Well what do you suggest" I asked him knowing he got something good up his sleeve.

Jaide's P.O.V

I'm finally home from the hospital and I've came up with a perfect plan on how to get kaeli back.


Today is the day I go get Kaeliyanna I got my lil team together and everyone knows the plan. I really haven't talked to anyone from the crew but idc. After tonight every thing will get back to normal.

"We ready to move when you are big bruh" Jamir came and told me.

Its crazy how when I was younger I dreamed of being a doctor or cop to put away drug dealers look at me now 30 years old right hand man to the biggest kingpin in the south. I pray to God that my son don't turn out like most men in my family I'm a make sure he go to school every day and attend every class get good grades. People think the streets is way better than getting a real job now a days but it really ain't. You gotta wake up every day hoping that you don't get betrayed by a friend, killed, or in jail. And if you in the game with kids its ten times worse because your enemy will kill your kid without thinking twice about it all because they don't like you and that's sad asf for real.

I looked out the window and noticed we were in front of the house. Slim gave me the signal letting me know to send in the troops. See who ever is watching the cameras is going to see what's been happening all week around this time instead of seeing the attack.

My soldier Reno used his sniper to take out the five guards that were in front of the house. And in my soldiers went. Once I saw Sarah's unmarked car drive away I jumped out of the truck and made my way through the house. Some of the guards were losing their ski mask due to them trying to fight my soldiers. It looked like a blood bath in her and it was far from over.

Jaide's P.O.V
I got to the house and it look like they were already at war so I hurried and put my ski mask on and grabbed my mk47. I went to the back yard and climbed up to an open window on the second floor and started shooting everything that moved. I made it to the third floor and crept to the end of the hallway. I put my ear to the door and heard whispers so I slowly opened the door but didn't see any one. I kept looking and going farther into the room. I bent down picking up Kaeliyanna's shoe when the door busted open.


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