Chapter 13

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"What the fuck you doing here Jaide your supposed to be home"

"Duck" she told me.

*Bang* *Bang*

"Saw can we talk about this later please"

" Thats just it we shouldn't have to talk about this period" I am so pissed and I'm trying to focus on killing these niggas.

"DADDDDDDDDDYYYYYYY" I turned toward the sound of kaeli's voice and Death had her tight in his arms it look like she was hurting.

"James come out and handle this like a real man. Your little girl is real pretty i could sell her for you." Death said trying to get james attention.

"PUT HER DOWN BITCH" Jaide yelled

"SHUT UP LADY J" I yelled at her sometimes  she runs her big mouth to much. I still can't believe she came here after everyone told her to stay away. And on neighborhood  if anything happens to my unborn child ima be pissed.

"Lady J as in the Lady J all this time I thought you were a myth and a guy I cant believe you're the one everyone talks about your like a legend the only people  bigger then you is Javier and myself. I'm curious as to why you are interested in this lil girl you must know her." Death said moving toward Jaide.

James P.O.V

I could here what they were saying. I can't believe J dumb ass is here im beating her ass when im done handling this situation. Im glad she has Sean in there with her and i know by now he's waiting on the perfect shot so he doesn't end up hurting kaeli or my dumb ass sister. I want to go in there  but if I barge in he might get spooked and shoot Kaeli but if I  don't go in I won't be the one to pull the trigger.

I walked to the first floor where the clean up crew was already working. I went out back to find a way up to the balcony.

"Aye Bigdog and Booga give me a lift to this balcony" I called to two of my workers.

They boosted me up and i was able to climb up to the window above the balcony. I climbed over the ledge trying not to knock anything off the vanity in the bathroom. I peeked through the cracked door to see where everyone was standing. Death was right in front of me with his back toward me, Sean then looked my way while death was talking to Jaide about Kaeli.

"Is kaeli in head shot area" I mouthed to him. He tilted his gun to the left twice which was code for no." Get Jaide closer to you" I told him because if the bullet is a through and through it my hit her and I don't want that. As he got Jaide to move toward him i got in position to take my shot.

"James where are you, don't you want your daughter to live?"

"She will but you won't" I raised my gun.

*Bang* *Bang*
"Daddy! I knew you'd save me" my baby girl said.

"Of course I would I will always come for you whenever you need me" as I hugged her tight i could feel all stress leave my body.

"Way to go big bro" J said walking up to me. I'm  so pissed at her right now.

" Get yo ass home now" I told her grabbing her by the arm.

"You're hurting me. Get off! Let go I'm not a kid anymore I do what i want!" I can't believe her.

"You think thats what this is about  you could've gotten killed or your unborn child. For someone in law school you're pretty stupid. Now I'm not gone tell you know mo' go home, oh and don't think I'm not telling Dad." I grabbed Kaeliyanna and left.


When we were done handling business I took Jaide home. She hasn't said a word since we got here. I'm just disappointed in her I honestly don't know what she was thinking.

"Just why?" I asked

" Because I  wanted to help" she sighed.

"Don't give me that bull shit I know you better than anyone why would you put our baby and your self in danger like that?" I was trying so hard not to yell at her.

"Because everyone's always treating me like I have to be the good child maybe I want to be bad too, maybe I want to run the family business one day, maybe just maybe I want to be a Queen pin. Everyone is always talking about ' you can't do this you're in law school' 'remember J law school'. Law school, law school, law school I'm tired of being on a pedestal  for goodness."

"J if you didn't want to go to law school why didn't you tell your dad, yeah he would've been sad but he would have understood and you know that" I  don't get her man.

" It's not that I don't  want to be a lawyer I just want people to know that I'm still human, that I too can make mistakes." Great now she's crying.


Thank God saved by the bell.

"I'll get that." I really don'twant to see her cry its really awkward.


I can't believe J would do this I'm glad she okay though.

"Hey D whatchu doing here?" Sean asked when he seen me at the door.

"Where's J" I asked as I pushed past him.

"She inna living room." He informed me.

"Awe my baby I'm glad you're okay!" I said walking towards the couch.

"Yeah I'm fine."

" Girl I'm not talking about you I was talking to the baby, you know the person you didn't think about when you went into that house with guns blazing. But I didn't come here to jump down yo back it's enough people doing that and I am glad that your okay. J you haven't been your self lately maybe your hormones are kicking in." I'm really concerned about her.

"Yeah you might be right I have been crying and getting mad over the weirdest things lately and under a lot of stress with school coming to an end and with kaeli's kidnapping. I think I just need a couple days of peace."

"I'm  bout to cook is there anything in particular you want baby" Sean asked coming into the living room.

"No, whatever you cook is just fine."

"Ooh I want steak with steamed broccoli and loaded mashed potatoes. And red wine please." I told Sean who in return looked at me like I had two heads.

"See when I said 'baby' I was talking to Jaide I don't care what you want to eat. You better order some pizza, we don't feed monkeys here." This nigga think he Kevin Hart and shit.

"Nigga shut the fuck up and go make my food. Always trying to talk shit about somebody ima get Dre to beat yo ass."

"Planet of the Apes how you gone get my A1 to beat my ass when he can't fight for nothing. Don't get me wrong thats my boy and all but he can't fight thats why he's a hacker. But you don't know none of that because yo horse tracks to tight huh." He annoying as fuck.

"J get ya lil boy toy 'fore I knock his ass flat out." I said turning to Jaide.

"Why y'all always arguing like both yall shut the fuck up giving me a headache."

" How she just gone talk to us like that Deaja." Sean said acting hurt.

" I know she rude as fuck on my moms." Thats been our relationship since I met him. But we low key cool for real as long as he treat my cousin right.

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