Chapter 2

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Normal P.O.V.

-2nd Period-

Noah walked into his Global History class and walked over to his seat, the third seat back in the row by the window. He set his stuff on the desk and looked over the parking lot. It was a nice little view, but then again, they were on the 2nd story.

Noah jumped when he felt someone jab their fingers into his sides. He quickly turned around to fave Gage who was snickering.

"G-Gage!" Noah blushed darkly in embarrassment. "I scared you." Gage laughed. Noah pouted and crossed his arms. "Did not." "Heh, whatever you say." Gage smirked and set his tuff on the desk beside Noah. Noah stuck his tongue out at him and sat down.

-After Class-

Noah walked with Gage to Studio In Art, that he also had with Jessica and Natasha. They walked down the curvy stairs. "I have to stop at my locker." Noah told Gage. He nodded. "Alright."

He stopped at it and quickly opened it, stuffing his Global History binder in it, then shut it. "Alrright, lets go." He contined walking and Gage followed him. "Why don't you just carry your backpack with you?" Gage asked Noah. Noah shrugged. "I don't know. Too heavy."

Gage chuckled. "I could carry it for you." Noah blushed darkly. "Um..... No, I got it, thank you...." "Alrighty." They rounded a corned and walked down the hall, almost to the end, then turned into the Art room. Their are teacher, Ms. Smith, looked up and walked over.

"Ah, you must be Gage Hollow, the new student." She said. Gage grinned and nodded. "That be me." He said. Ms. Smith turned and looked at the tables pushed together, looking at where everyone sat. They were the only 2 boys in this class to almost 15 girls.

"You can sit right there." She said, pointing to the seat next to Jessica, who was to busy working on her Zen Tile to notice. Natasha sat on the other side of the table, across from her.

Gage whined a little. "I'd rather sit next to my new bet friend." Ms. Smith shook her head. "We have a seating chart, and I don't want to change it. So you can sit where I tell you to." Gage pouted, but walked over to the seat he was told to sit in, while Noah went and got started on his own Zen Tile.

Jessica looked up as she heard the chair next to her being pulled out. She looked at Gage and stared. 'He. Is. Beautiful!', she thought staring. Gage noticed her looking and looked over as he sat down in the chair. She grinned. "I'm Jessica, but you can call me later." She said to him. He chuckled. "Alright, I'm Gage."

"You new here? I don't remember seeing you before." Jessica said. Gage nodded. "Yeah, I just moved here. Today's my first day." "Ah. Well, I'll make sure you'll have a great first day." She said, leaning on the table, batting her eyes at him.

"Heh, alright... Um, what are we supposed to be doing?" Gage asked. "Our Zen Tiles." Jessica turned so she was looking at the wall with the window. "We have to draw that on these small pieces of paper." She said, first pointing to the huge Zen Tile, then to the little papers in front of it that they were supposed to copy it on.

Gage nodded and stood up. "Cool, thanks." She continued grinning and nodded.

The New Kid ~BxB~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя