Chapter 10

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"See ya on Monday!" Noah said as he and Gage climbed out of Natasha's car. She nodded. "Yep! Adios!" They shut the door and she pulled off. They walked into Noah's place and found his brother in the kitchen doing the dishes. He looked over when he heard the front door shut. "Noah?" He checked, making sure it was his little brother.

"Yeah, it's me. I brought a friend with me. I hope that's OK." Noah said as he lead Gage to the kitchen. Jason looked at Gage, making sure he looked safe before agreeing. "OK." He gave permission. "I think I'm just gonna order pizza for dinner. Will pepperoni do?" Both teenagers nodded.

"OK. I'll order it when I'm done then." Jason said. "OK. Me and Gage will be in my room." Noah said. "Kay, but I swear to god, if I hear moaning-" "JASON!" Noah yelled, his face a dark red. Jason smirked. "Just saying." Noah glared and flipped him off, then quickly ushered a laughing Gage to his room.

Once they were in his room, Noah flopped down on his bed while Gage sat in the computer chair and turned on the TV, putting Disney Channel on. Jessie was playing.

Noah looked at Gage who was pretty absorbed in the show. Gage felt the eyes on him and glanced over. "Really?" Noah said. Gage put a big grin on his face. "But of course! Disney Channel is awesome! Or was. When all the good shows were playing. Like The Suite Life series, That's So Raven, The Emperor's New School, Kim Possible, etc. I miss all that." Noah nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Now they have all these other shows. Disney Channels defiantly gone down hill. It's sad."

"Yeah. Even Nickelodeon."

"At least they still have Spongebob." Noah said. Gage chuckled. "True, I'll give them that." Noah giggled and looked at the TV, as did Gage. They watched TV for about an hour before Jason called up to them, "Guys, pizza's here!"


Noah and Gage looked at Gage's stomach as it rumbled at the mention of food. Noah giggled. "You don't sound hungry at all!" He joked. Gage chuckled. "Nope, not at all. I'm so stuffed." Noah stood up and walked over to Gage, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. " Oof! You're heavy!" Noah said, once Gage was standing. Gage crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. "I'm not heavy, you're just small." Noah stuck his tongue out at Gage and yanked him out of the room, to the living room.

They walked in and found Jason sitting on the couch, a plate with one slice of pizza beside him and another slide in his hand as he devoured it. He look up at them and pointed to the kitchen.

Noah nodded and pulled Gage into the kitchen. He released his arm and grabbed two plates from the upper cupboard, of course, having to stand on his tippy toes and use the counter for help. Gage chuckled and walked over, grabbing Noah's waist and lifting him off the ground like a little kid.

Noah squeaked and quickly looked back at Gage. Gage stood there with an amused look on his face. Blushing, Noah looked ahead and grabbed two plates. Gage then set him back on the ground, allowing him to set the plates on the counter and turn and look at him. "G-Gage!" He said, face still flustered and his voice high.

"What? You're short and couldn't reach." Gage said smirking. "It's not my fault! My dad was the short one in the relationship!" Noah pouted, walking over to the pizza box and opening it, pulling out 4 slices, 2 for him and 2 for Gage.

"So your brother got his tallness from your mother?" Gage said, watching Noah set the slice on his plate and slide it to him. He grabbed one of the slices and took a bite. "Thanks." Noah nodded, taking a bite of his own. "Yep." He said, answering Gage's question. "It was a odd thing to see. My dad was like 5'5 while my mom was 5'9." "Ah." Gage nodded. "Yeah, but they were actually a pretty cute couple. I loved them so much." Noah said sadly and looked at his place, suddenly feeling less hungry.

Gage bite his lip, now wanting to change the subject. "So.... Are you going trick or treating?" Noah looked at him. "I don't know, are you?"

"Fuck yeah, I am! No way am I passing up getting free candy! Even if it from strangers!" A small smile broke out on Noah's face. "You should come with me!" Gage continued. "I don't have a costume, though." Noah said once he was done chewing. "We could go to the city and get you one." Gage offered. "But I can't drive yet." Noah said.

"Don't worry, I can. I'll borrow my dads car and we'll go tomorrow." Gage said. Noah had a mini debate in his head before slowly nodding in agreement. "OK. We'll go tomorrow."

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