Chapter 21

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-That Night, The Date-

Noah opened the door and came face to face with Gage, who was grinning and holding out a red rose to him. "Hello, love!" He said cheerfully. Noah blushed and took the rose from Gage. "Hey." He smiled softly. "Come in." He stepped away from the door, allowing Gage in, and went to go find a case to put the rose in.

Gage stepped in and waited. When Noah came back in, he asked, "Where's your brother? I was sure he was gonna be here waiting on the porch with a gun to shoot my ass." Noah laughed and shook his head. "He had to go to work, though he really wanted to be here to do so." Gage chuckled. "I bet." Noah smiled and put his shoes on. When he was done, he stood up. Gage watched. "Ready?" He asked. "Noah nodded. "Yep." He said, popping the p.

"Then lets get going, my lady~"

"You did not just call me that."

"...... I love you?"

-Skip To Dinner-

Gage pulled into the parking spot at Golden Corral and shut the car off. Noah looked over at him in amazement. Gage leaned back in the seat and looked over at him. "Is this the first time you've been here?" He asked. Noah looked over at him and nodded. "Yeah. Jason's always working and I don't drive, so I don't really go out."

"You know anytime you wanna go somewhere you can just tell me and I'll take you." Gage said. Noah smiled and nodded. He followed Gage into the restuarant. Once they were in, they got a drink, paid, and picked a seat. They decided to sit by the window. Noah stared out the window. Gage watched. "You ok?" Noah looked up at him. "Yeah. I just really love the city." "Ah." Gage nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go and get food. Or do you want to go first?" Noah shook his head. "Nah, you can."

"Alright, I'll be back." Gage stood up and walked off. Noah stared as he did before looking back out the window. They ended up eating with a nice conversation. "So, what movie are we going to go see?"

"50 Shades Of Grey." Gage answered. Noah nearly choked on his food. "Wh-What?!" Gage grinned and nodded. "Aren't we too young to see it????"

"Yeah, but that's why we say we're gonna watch one movie, then go and watch that one." Gage explained. "But won't we get caughht?" Noah asked. "I doubt it. This movie theater doesn't watch where you go. Once they check your ticket, you're in." "Alright... But if we get caught, you kidnapped me." "Of course."

-Skip To Movies-

Gage and Noah walked into the movie theater and went to the ticket booth. Gage paid for both their tickets and even candy and soda. Noah whined, but Gage shushed him. Gage grabbed Noah's hand and lead him to where you hhand in the tickets. He gave the tickets to the guy and walked by him. He pretended to see the SpongeBob movie, but when the guy wasn't looking, he quickly turned and went into the room where 50 Shades Of Grey was playing.

Him and Noah sat down towards the back and he handed Noah the candy. Noah eagerly took it, making Gage chuckled. "You know, won't this make the first date really awkward? I mean, you know what this movie is about..." Noah said, blushing darkly at the thought of the movie.

Gage smirked and nodded. "I do~ Why else would I have picked this movie~?" Noah whined. "This isn't a movie! It's pon!" Noah huffed out. Gage chuckled.

"Mayybe we could try some of this~" Gage winked. Noah's face went as red as a tomato. "Sh-Shut up!" Gage just smirked and looked ahead, watching the movie.

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