Chapter 25

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-The Next Morning-

Noah woke up early the next morning, a little after five. He opened his eyes and found himself staring at nothing but the blank darkness that filled the room. He sighed, thinking back to the night before. Is that really how Gage acted around his friends? He understood that he would want to spend time with them, but did he really have to just ignore him?

Noah sighed. Maybe he was just overreacting. Gage cares about him. He sat up and grabbed his bag of candy from beside his bed and began eating a few pieces. Once he got tired of them, he laid back down and curled up. He stayed like that until the alarm went off at 6. He groaned and shut the annoying alarm off.

He climbed out of bed and went and got ready for the long day ahead of him. Once he was finished, he went into the living room. He curled up on the couch and waited for Gage to show up and take him to school. However, for some reason, he just didn't feel like going to school that day. He felt tired.

He waited forever for Gage to show up, but he never did. The hurt inside Noah just grew. It wasn't long before Jason came into the living room. He saw Noah lying on the couch and looked at him confused. "Noah, what are you doing here? It's almost 7:30." Noah shrugged. "Gage never showed up. I don't feel like going to school today."

Jason frowned and walked over to him. "I'm sorry, but you've already missed a lot of school. So unless you're really sick, you have to go."

Noah sighed and sat up. "Fine, can you at least drive me?"

"What about Gage?"

Noah shrugged and shifted his eyes down to the ground. "I don't know. He never showed up." Jason frowned. "He met up with a friend last night and he brought him home with him to spend the night." Noah continued to explain.

"Oh? Well how do you feel about that?" He asked, sitting down next to his younger brother.

Noah shrugged and casted his eyes downward to the carpeted floor. "I don't know, hurt, kind of.... But I don't want to be one of those boyfriends who get jealous over every little thing. I mean, it is his old friend. He should be able to hang out with him without me freaking out on him."

"If he starts doing things that you don't like, you should speak up. Hiding how you feel like that won't help your relationship later down the road." Jason advised him.

Noah sighed. "Yeah, I know, but still. It's nothing big. Can we just get going?"

Jason sighed and nodded, standing up from the couch. "Yeah, lets go." He went and grabbed his keys then walked outside with Noah following behind him. They got in the car and drove Noah to school.

-Skip To School-

Noah walked into the lunch room and found Natasha sitting at their usual table with Ash. He walked up to them and sat down. Natasha looked over at him and around. "Hey, where's Gage?" She asked, confused when she couldn't find him. Noah shrugged. "I don't know."

"What do you mean? Didn't he drive you?" She asked confused. Noah shook his head. "No, Jason did."

"Oh. OK." Natasha said awkwardly. Breakfast went be and at the end of it, Noah went to Math alone since Natasha had gym first and went the opposite way.

-2nd Period-

Noah entered Global and went to his seat and sat down in his normal spot. It wasn't until a couple seconds before the bell rang that Gage walked in. He went to his seat and sat down. Noah didn't look at him the whole time.

The class went be with Noah paying attention to the teacher and Gage occasionally looking at him. He could tell without talking to him that Noah was not happy with him about something.

When the bell for end of the period rang, Noah immediately grabbed his stuff and stood up, ready to rush off. However, Gage quickly grabbed his arm while standing up. "Wait, Noah! What's wrong?" Gage asked confused. "Nothing." Noah said. He didn't want to seem selfish for getting worked up for a stupid reason. Gage frowned. "I know it's something, Noah. You can tell me."

Noah shook his head, refusing to look at Gage. "We have to go." He said, pulling his arm away and walking out. Gage sighed and followed him out and to their 3rd period class.

-Skip To 7/8 Period-

Gage went into the gym locker room and found his boyfriend standing in his boxers, bent over, trying to put on his gym shorts. Gage smirked when he saw and walked over, slapping him on his butt. Noah squeaked and jumped up, spinning around. Gage chuckled. "I like that outfit on you~" He smirked. Noah blushed darkly and crossed his arms.

Gage walked up to him and gave him a peck on his lips. "Love ya." Noah huffed and finished getting dressed. He walked out of the locker room and to the middle of the gym where his squad was. He sat down in his assigned seat and waited for class to start. A moment later, Gage walked out and sat in his spot.

When class started, they did their normal routine of stretching, jumping jacks, and other things, then they began their actual class lesson, which you could pick either football or mountain biking. Noah picked bikes while Gage picked football.

Noah went to the shack that held all the bikes in it and got one with the rest of the people who did bikes. He slid a helmet onto his head and fastened it. He got on the bike and took off when they were ready. For a while, he rode by himself a few feet behind everyone until a guy appeared beside him. "Hey." The guy smiled at him. Noah looked at him for a second. "Hello." He replied back. "I'm Kyle." The guy said.

Noah nodded. "I'm Noah."

"Yeah, I know."

Noah couldn't help but to nibble on his bottom lip at that. God knows what he's head about him. "I think you and you're boyfriend are cute together." Kyle smiled. Noah blushed darkly. "Y-You do?"

Kyle nodded. "Yep. I have a boyfriend, too, so I support you two." Noah smiled softly. "Thank you." Kyle nodded and they continued the ride.

-Skip To End Of Day-

"I have to go to detention, so you're going to have to walk home alone." Gage told Noah as they stood up. Noah sighed in annoyance. "You didn't pick me up this morning and now I have to walk home alone??" He muttered out quietly. Gage heard him and frowned, looking down at him. "I'm sorry about that. And you know why I have to stay."

"Yeah, I know..." Noah looked away. Gage sighed and kissed his cheek. "I'll text you tonight, OK?" He said. Noah nodded silently. Gage put his backpack over his shoulder and walked out. Noah sighed for the thousandth time that day and walked out, pulling out his phone. He was about to call Jason when someone stopped him. He looked up and found it was Kyle.

Kyle smiled softly at him. "Hey, Noah. I was wondering if you wanted to walk home together?" He asked, his voice real quiet. Noah felt unsure. He had just met him, was this really a good idea? After a mental battle with himself, he finally decided to do it. He nodded. "Alright, yeah, sure." He replied. Kyle smiled. "OK, lets go." He said and they walked out together.

For a couple minutes, they just walked in silence. It was a little awkward for Noah, but he was a little nervous, so that didn't help. After they walked off the school campus, Kyle glanced at Noah, then casted his eyes down to the ground, but Noah already noticed. "What is it?" He asked, the paranoid side taking over.

"Nothing, it's just... I'm sorry about Jessica." Kyle said, his voice small and quiet. Noah could tell he was really shy. He raised an eyebrow confused. "What do you mean? Don't apologize for her action."

"Yeah, I know, but.... she's my sister."

The New Kid ~BxB~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora