Chapter 15

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When Noah walked into school on Monday, everyone had seemed to forgotten about him and Gage. Luckily, no one had really paid attention to the kiss, and was now talking about the fight. He could't have been more happier, but knowing Jessica, she would remember and still say and do stuff, especially if she finds out they're really together.

Noah walked into the lunch room and found Natasha sitting at their usual spot eating. He walked over and sat at the table with her, making her look up and smile. "Hey. Did you get in trouble?" She asked. "Yeah. Jason doesn't want me around Gage anymore, but don't tell him. I'm not giving him." Noah explained in a whisper so no one else heard. Natasha was surprised, but nodded. "OK. This is the first time you haven't listened to Jason." She smiled softly. "You must really like him."

Noah blushed and looked down. "I do.... He's so sweet.... I just.... I've never met a guy like him, and I won't let him go so easily because Jason thinks he's a bad influence." Natasha laughed out loud. "He's a bad influence.? Has he met me?"

"I know, right! And he loves you! It's not fair! That's why I'm not gonna listen. I don't care what he says. I'm gonna hang and date Gage and Jason can just deal with it." Noah said, crossing his arms over his chest. Natasha smiled softly and nodded. "You got for it." Noah smiled back and jumped when he felt arms rap around his shoulders and lips kiss the side of his head. "Hey, baby." A voice mumbled into his ear.

Noah blushed darkly. "Hey." Gage released Noah and sat in the chair next to him. Natasha squished her cheeks together. "Aw, you two are so cute together!" She fangirled. Noah giggled while Gage smirked and wrapped his am around Noah's shoulder and pulled him closer to his side. Noah kept blushing, but allowed himself to be pulled in. Natasha giggled at the cuteness and quickly took a picture. "I should post this on Facebook!" She joked. Noah faked glare. "Don't you dare!"

"Yeah!" Gage said. "But do send me the picture so I can." Noah's jaw dropped and he playfully punched Gage's shoulder. Gage chuckled. "Fine, but still send me it. I can set it as my background on my phone." Natasha nodded and looked at the time. "Whelp, time to get to class." She stood up. "Don't be late to class because you two were here making out, got it?" She mocked strictness.

Noah blushed while Gage chuckled. "Yes, mom." She grinned big. "Good. I'll see you two later." She grabbed her stuff and left. Noah looked at Gage. "Wanna get to class?" He asked him. "Mm....." Gage looked up at the clock and saw it was 7:46am. Class starts at 7:50. "Nah." Gage said sarcastically and looked at Noah. Noah rolled his eyes and stood up. "Too bad. Come on." Gage groaned. "Why did you ask me if you were gonna go no matter what I said?" Noah giggled. "Just to make you feel like you have a choice!" Gage chuckled and stood. "Whelp, lets go then." He grabbed Noah's hand and lead him out of the cafeteria, unknowing to them, a pair of eyes were watching them.

-Studio In Art-

Noah and Gage walked to Studio In art, hand-in-hand. People stared, some even said, "I knew it!" But no one dared to say anything bad. Some girls even fangirled. Noah blushed darkly while walking. They walked into the room and found Jessica already in the room, sitting in her seat and working on her Zen-tile.

Gage scuffed silently at her and looked at Noah. Noah smiled at him and released his hand, going and grabbing his stuff. Gage did the same and sat in his seat, next to Jessica. She looked at him and grinned. "I heard you're with Noah." She said, setting her hand on his thigh under the table. Gage moved his leg away and glared at her. "Don't touch me, slut. And that's none of your business."

"From the attitude, I'm gonna say it's true. He's not right for you, you know. I'm way better for you." She persisted, staring at him. "I don't care if he's 'not right for me'. You don't know me, you don't know what's 'right' for me. So shut the fuck up, slut." Jessica narrowed her eyes. "Ms. Smith!" She called, making Gage growl.

Ms. Smith looked up from what she was going. "Yes, Jessica?" She said, a little annoyed. "Gage is over here touching me and trying to get with me. He even called me a slut." Noah looked over as Gage's jaw dropped. "I did not, you fucking liar!"

"Language! Both of you! Office! NOW!" Ms. Smith shouted. Gage scoffed, grabbing his stuff and standing, shoving his chair roughly into the table. He was beyond pissed. He shoved other chairs as he walked out of the room, Jessica following behind him, a smug look on her face once they were out of the room.

"Fucking lying bitch." He mumbled as he walked down the hall. Jessica caught up with him and slid her hand into his. "I'm s-"

"Stop fucking touching me! I swear, I will get you suspended if you do that again! Got it?!" He shouted, ripping his hand away from hers. Jessica glared at him. "Lookie here, newbie. I can control what happens to your 'cute' little boyfriend. So if you think threatening me will me, you're wrong." Gage's fist tightened into a ball as he fought the urge to slam her against the locker and punch her. He really hated her.

"Whatever! You're sick, messed up, and a whore! Threatening people just to date you!? You're sad." Gage kept walking, wanting so badly to be away from Jessica. She walked faster behind him, trying to catch up. "Don't walk away from me!" Gage ignored her until they got to the deans, then walked in.

When they walked in, the principal, Mr. Burgington, was already waiting for them, leaning against his secretary's desk. He stood up straight when he saw them and motioned them with his hand to follow him into his office. They followed and he shut the door behind them. They sat in the two chairs opposite of his side of the desk. He sat down and folded his hands together on the desk.

"Alright. So why were you guys called down here?" Mr. Burgington asked. "He was touching me! He put his hand on my thigh and was trying to get me in bed with him!" Jessica lied. "I did not! She touched me! She has been spreading lies about me and this other guy!"

Mr. Burgington rubbed his forehead, having dealt with this kind of stuff before. "Because neither of you will tell the truth, you're both are gonna be suspended for the rest of this week and when you come back next Monday, you'll have detention. I'm going to call your parents now to come and pick you up. You may go get your things and wait in the main office."

Gage threw his hands in the air as the principal began making calls and stood up, storming out. Jessica followed behind him. He sat down in the chair, being he already had his stuff with him. Jessica left to get her things. Gage glared at her as she went post him. 'What a bitch!', he thought, growling.

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