Chapter 4

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Normal P.O.V.

When Noah and Gage reached Noah's house, their ears were filled with barking. Noah gave a cheeky smile. "Sorry, that's my dog, Buddy." He explained.

"I love dogs, can I see him?" "Sure." Noah lead him around the small house, to a fenced in backyard. Buddy sat there, mouth hanging open, and tongue hanging out, looking happy as usual. He was a black lab, cocker spaniel, and Pomeranian. He was fluffy like a Pomeranian, black like a black lab, and the size of a cocker spaniel.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Gage fanboyed, running over. Buddy jumped up and leaned against him as Gage petted him. Noah smiled and walked over to them. "Isn't he? I've had him since I was 8."

"Oh, wow. How old are you now?" Gage asked, pllaying with Buddy.

"16. I've had him for 8 years. I got him from my mom a few months before her and my dad died." Noah explained. Gage frowned and looked back at him. "Oh, I'm so sorry for you loss...." Noah nodded. "It's ok." Gage gave Buddy one more pat on the head and walked over to Noah. "So wait, who do you live with then?"

"My older brother, Jason. He's 26, so he takes care of me." "Ah." Gage nodded. "Come on, lets go in. It's getting cold." Noah said. It was the beginning of October, so the temperature was dropping quickly. Gage nodded in agreeement and followed noah into the small house.

They went through the garage and into the house. "Is your brother home?" Gage asked as he removed his shoes from his feet and set them by the door. "Not right now. He's at work." "Oh? Where does he work?" Gage set his bag by his shoes and followed Noah to the living room after he did the same. "7-11." Noah replied.

"Ah." Gage nodded and sat down on the couch. Noah sat down next to him and sat crissed cross. Gage looked over at him.

"So, what do you want to do?" Noah asked, leaning back into the couch. Gage thought for a moment. "Um.... Do you have a Wii?" He finally asked after a moment. Noah nodded. "Do you have Just Dance 3 or 4?" "Yep." Noah said, popping the p. "Lets go that, then. I've always wanted to play them on the Wii."

Noah tilted his head. "You don't have Wii?"

Gage shook his head. "Nope, but I do have a Play Station." Noah's eyes lit up. "Ooh! I have to go to your house and play it sometime! I've always wanted to play one!" Gage chuckled. "Ok."

Noah grinned and stood up, walking over to the TV and went behind it, turning on the Wii. He grabbed two remotes and walked back over to Gage, handing him one.

"Thank you." Gage said, taking the remote from him. Noah gave a slight nod and then grabbed one of the TV remotes and switching it to the Wii. He clicked Just Dance 3 and start. Gage stood up and walked up so he stood beside Noah. "What song do you want to do?" Noah asked. "Mm...." Gage watched as Noah went through the songs.

"That one!" Gage finally said when Noah got to This Is Halloween. Noah giggled and clicked on it. Gage quickly picked the guy with a pumpkin head while Noah played the vampire.

They played Just Dance 3 and 4 for about 2 hours until they finally collapsed onto the couch in exhaustion. Gage wiped the little bit of sweat from his forehead and looked at the time. It was 5:41.

"It's getting late. I should probably head home before my dad freaks out." He said. Noah nodded. "Ok. My brother's gonna be home soon anyways." Gage stood up and walked to the door that lead to the garage, where he had left his shoes and backpack. Noah followed him and pressed the button to open the garage door.

Gage turned and smiled at Noah. "I'll see you at school tomorrow." Noah smiled back and nodded. "See ya." He watched as Gage walked out of the house.

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