Chapter 9

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When Noah, Gage, and Natasha arrived at Walmart, they jumped out and shot into the store. The first place they want to was the CD section. They all scanned the whole aisle for CD's.

"These bitches don't sell Blood on the Dance Floor CD's!" Gage shouted. "Or Escape The Fate!" Noah also shouted. Other people who were shopping stopped what they were doing and looked at the 3. "Can you please be quiet?" One of the workers asked. "Oh, sure. I'd hate to wake up all the sick people." Gage said sarcastically, earning a glare from the worker.

"Just keep it down." They said sternly before walking away. Gage grinned at Noah and Natasha as they shook their heads or roller their eyes. "Come on, lets go to the food are, I'm starving!" The other two laughed and followed him to the multiple food aisles. They went in the one with lunchables. Gage opened one of the freezer doors and took one out, then started to open it like he was at home having a snack.

He made the mini pizza , putting the sauce on first, the cheese second, and pepperoni last, then took a large bite out of it. "Mm, delicious!" He said proudly, then made two more and handed them to Noah and Natasha. "Such a good cook!" Natasha giggled and Noah nodded in agreement with a big smile on his face.

"Why thank you, but I knew that!" Gage grinned, finishing the pizza and put the empty box back in the freezer. He downed the drink, not sharing and snapped the candy bar in two, handing it to Natasha and Noah. They both devoured it in one bite, then all 3 went over to the little kid section.

Noah picked up different toys and moved them to other spots, just to throw people off while Gage went to the battery section, grabbed some and came back, putting them in a toy car. He set the car on the ground and grabbed the remote while Natasha did the same to her car. She set it on the ground and grinned at Gage. "You ready?" He smirked. "Oh yeah."

They both pushed start and the small cars both took off zooming down the aisle, making little kids eyes widen in amazement and their parents scream, pulling them out of the way.

Gage and Natasha quickly followed the cars, making sure the cars didn't crash.

It wasn't long until they were pulled over, and by pulled over, I mean their cars were lifted off the ground by a not-so-happy worker. Gage and Natasha slowed down their run, coming to a stop in front of the worker, who glared hard at them.

"What do you think you are doing?!" He shouted.

"Testing the equipment." Gage said. The workers glare somehow got harder. "These cars work fine! If you are to use them or something, you ask! Do you understand me?!" Gage and Natasha nodded. "Good." The guy yanked the remotes from their hands and walked away. The two waited until the guy was out of ear shot before grinning at each other. "Bicycles!" They shouted at each other and ran to them.

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