Chapter 14

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"A party with aclohol?! What were you thinking?!" Jason screamed as he paced back and forth in front of his littlle brother. Noah remained quiet on the couch, knowing it wqas better not to answer. Jason stopped and looked at Noah. "That's the problem right there! You didn't think!"

"Jason, I didn't know there would be alcohol!" Noah tried to defend himself. Jason growled. "What were you doing at a party, ayways!? You know better than that! You don't know what kind of crazy people were at that party!"

Noah scuffed and looked away. "They go to my school, I'm pretty sure I know how crazy they are." "You don't know that that peron didn't invite anyone else! What's up with you? You've changed since that new kid showed. You were so quiet, always home and in your room. Now look at you. Going to parties with alcohol."

"Don't blame any of this on Gage! He has nothing to do with this!" Noah shouted unhappily. How dare Jason blame Gage! He had nothing to do with how he acts!

"He was the one who took you to the party!" Jason closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose, thinking. After a moment, he sighed and opened his eyes. "I'm sorry to do this, but you are not allowed to hang out with Gage anymore. He is a bad influence and I don't want him around you. " Noah's eyes widened in horror. "W-What?! No, Jason, you can't do this!"

"I can, and I have. Now go to your room." Jason ordered. Tears rolled down Noahs cheek as he stood up. "I hate you!" He shouted before dashing down the hall and to his room, slamming his door shut. Jason winced and sat down on the couch, sighing.

Noah threw himself onto his bed, after locking his door so Jason didn't come in, and sobbed into his pillow. He had finally found someone who liked him back, would protect him and stand up for him, and would always make him laugh, and now his brother was gonna tear them apart. It just wasn't fair! Did his brother want him to be unhappy?

He laid there for a while just crying until he got a text. He looked over at his cell phone that sat on the desk beside his bed and lit up his dark room. He sniffled and sat up, grabbing his phone and leaning against his headboard. He went to his messages seeing the message was from Gage. He felt his heart break at the thought of telling Gage they couldn't be together, let alone hang out together, after just getting together.

Hey, did you get in trouble, baby?


Noah tipped his head back and stared at his ceiling. He couldn't do this. There was no way he was throwing away probably his only chance of happiness because of his brother. He'll show him that Gage isn't a bad influence and that he could date him without changing and getting in trouble.

I got yelled at, but that's all. You?


He hit send and laid back down. Oh, yeah. He'd defiantly show him.

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