Part Eight - Mine

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“Wake up, sleepy head.” I hear Harry’s voice drifting to my ears. A delicious smell fills my nose; food. “I made you something.” He says, making my eyes open and meet a plate full of bacon, eggs and pancakes, neatly place on a tray along with orange juice, syrup and a fork. He sets the mini tray with legs over me, and then crawls to sit beside me while I sit up. 

I rub my eyes and look over at Harry, fully dressed with a huge smile plastered to his face. “Aw, thank you so much, baby.”

“Of course.” He answers. 

“No, really. Thank you. I should be the one making you breakfast in bed. I’m really sorry about yesterday.” I apologized.

“It’s fine. We already talked about this.” Harry reasoned while picking up the fork and getting a bite-size amount of pancake on it. “Now eat.” He finished, putting the food up to my mouth. I let him place it in my mouth, and I wrapped my lips around the food and chewed. He kept feeding me while we joked and laughed, until the food was gone. I picked up the orange juice and quickly drank it all, washing down the food.

Harry crawled off the bed and picked up the tray, then set it down on the floor near the door. I looked at the clock and saw that it was just after twelve. I sleep in a lot. “What do you wanna do until our date tonight?” Harry asked flirtatiously, walking back over to me on the bed. He crawled on my lap and rubbed his hands over my chest. That was when I realized I was only wearing boxers. I looked down and saw Harry’s big hands running over my bare skin.

“Why am I not wearing clothes?” I asked squinting my eyes curiously.

“I took them off last night before we went to bed. You fell asleep on the couch.” He smiled innocently.

I didn’t know how to respond, so I just threw a joke back at him. “Was that your last resort to get me to sleep naked with you?”

“Maybe.” He acknowledged. Then he leaned down to my ear to whisper “but next time I won’t be decent enough to leave you with boxers.” And he nipped at my ear lobe, making me shiver under his touch. “So, what do ya wanna do before our date tonight?” He asked leaning back again.

“Get dressed.” I retorted. “And then, I guess we could... Hmm, I don’t know.”

“Kiss?” He pecked my lips. “Cuddle?” He nuzzled his nose with mine. “Watch a movie?” He looked at me with big, wide eyes.

“We can do all of that.” I replied.

“Yay!” He cheered, grabbing my hand and pulling my off the bed. He walked me to the closet and picked out an outfit for me. “You’re gonna wear my clothes because you look really fucking adorable in them.” He said as he searched through the mass of clothing he had.

I was still blushing when he turned around and was holding out a white Beatles tee shirt and dark blue sweats, both quite big if you ask me. I smiled and took the clothes, slipping them on and then continuing to walk to the movie room with Harry. The sweatpants hung low on my hips, showing the waist band of my boxers. I guess that became more obvious when we were cuddled up on the couch in the movie room. Harry started tracing lazy patterns into my skin as my shirt rode up. He slipped the very tip of his fingers under my boxers and stroked over my hip bone. He wasn’t trying to take them off or anything, he was just messing around but it made me uncomfortable nonetheless.

I shifted in my seat between Harry’s legs. He didn’t stop though, he kept slipping his fingers under my underwear. I felt him breathe slowly on my neck, and soon he was leaving small little kisses in the same spot. His hands came up under my shirt to rub my belly. His fingers danced over my skin and I lifted into his touch. I finally just put my hands over his and pulled them out of my shirt. He slipped them out from under mine though, and placed them low on my hips near my crotch. 

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