Part Nine - Pick Up The Pace, Then Slow It Down

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just noticed that i've stopped putting songs on the side. i'll start doing that again :) i'd suggest playing it during the peak of chapters!


And we wake up in that same position. I had moved a little bit during the night, and his face is now buried into my neck, his breath hitting hot on my skin. I smile, not even having to look at him, just knowing, that Harry is my boyfriend. His arms have moved too. One of them is underneath my waist while the other is on my upper and outer thigh, near my hip. It almost seems as if it was an attempt to touch my bum... Probably.

I hear Harry sigh and can feel his eyes flutter open, his eyelashes tickling my skin. His head pops up slowly and he looks at me, his eyes not fully opened yet. He blinks as his eyes adjust to the new found light flooding into the room through the curtains. He starts gently stroking the area of my bum an thigh, before leaning in for a kiss and firmly pressing his hand down.

I can smell his horrid morning breath, and can taste my own, so what kind of absurd idea is this to share morning mouth. My head leans back, avoiding his kiss. He opens his eyes again. “What a lovely way to wake up to my boyfriend,” he pouts.

I smile sympathetically, getting up from the bed and slipping away from his touch. “Morning breath.” I reply. His eyes widen slightly. “Both of us.” I add, and he purses his lips.

I walk to the bathroom and look through the drawers for an unused tooth brush, and when I find one Harry walks in to brush his teeth. We do this at the same time almost, giving a half-hearted laugh when we lock eyes. After I’m done cleaning my mouth and brushing away the bad breath, I turn to him and smile. “Kiss me all you’d like now!” I exclaim, puckering my lips before laughing and relaxing them again. Harry chuckles and walks over to me, slipping his arms around my waist and connecting our lips. My arms find their way around his neck as I kiss him passionately, leaning back moments later from the slow, deep kiss. Our foreheads press together and he smiles against my mouth. “So you’re my boyfriend now.” He smirks.

“Really? Forgot,” I tease. He pecks my lips again, but it’s soft and barely there. “Better not. Otherwise, there’ll be some punishment put in place.”

“Oh?” I reply. He laughs and kisses me again, holding me tighter and turning our embrace into a full on hug. His head rests on my shoulder as we hug, and I can smell the lingering scent of his cologne.

“Hungry?” He asks as we lean back.

“Starving.” I answer.

Harry takes a step back and straightens his stance, his arm popping out in front of him. “Accompany me to the kitchen, will you?” He bows. 

“Will I? Well, I’d love to!” I reply, faking a shocked reaction. My arms links in his, which by the time we’re at the bottom of the stairs turns into us holding hands.

He leads me to the kitchen where he oh so kindly prepares me a bowl of Lucky Charms. “For my lovely Leprechaun.” He smiles as he sets it in front of me. He has a bowl of Cheerios and I frown because... ew.

Zayn walks into the kitchen a few minutes later, half-open lids and a slump in his posture. He only glances at us before looking in the fridge and taking a leftover waffle and leaving the room again. I chuckle to myself and go back to my own food. I look up, and Harry is watching me.

“Yes, Harry?” I furrow my eyebrows in an amused confusion.

He shakes his head. “Nothing... Just... I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend.”

An unbelievable look spreads across my face. “And I can’t believe you’re such a sap.” I hit his arm softly.

“It’s true. I never thought... I just never... Thought you’d even like me back.” His smile falters.

Lose Control (Narriam) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now