Part Ten - Taste You

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i hope you like it! x


Harry traces his fingers lightly up and down my t-shirt clad torso. His touch is barely there, leaving tingles and explosions in my stomach and on my skin. He bites his lip, hungrily staring at the tiny sliver of milky white skin than peeks out from under my shirt. His hands slowly come down, fingertips slipping under my shirt and meeting warm skin. He looks back up at me, his bottom lip still between his teeth. I lean down and press our lips together, wrapping my arms around Harry’s neck and getting as close to him as physically possible.

Harry’s hands seem to gradually make their way down to my bum, caressing, squeezing  and grabbing at my ass. He settles for just leaving his hands there, grazing his thumb over the cotton that clothed my skin. “Want these off,” he grabs at my clothes with a pouty face.

“No, Haz,” I lean back, letting him try and have his way. “We’re about to have dinner.” I smile, taking his hands from my bum and bringing them to my waist. But after my hands are gone, they only fall back to where they’d been before.

“They won’t mind.” He tries a pathetic reason.

“Yes they will, Liam cooked. And, you can wait. You need to learn to wait.” I tell him, pecking his lips and then crawling off his body. He lies there for a moment with a shocked face, before getting up as well and wrapping his arm around my waist as we walk down the spiral stairs. One more case of stairs and we’re in the kitchen, and if it were a routine, Harry’s arm tightens around me, pulling my closer into the warmth of his body. He keeps me close until we are forced to separate in order to sit down.

Harry sits to my left and I sit on the edge, Louis at the head and Liam and Zayn across from us. The dinner is delicious, and everyone compliments Liam on his amazing cooking skills. Harry keeps cutting up little bits of food and feeding them to me as if I were a baby. But I obey and let him feed me because it’s cute and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Harry’s large hand is lovingly placed on the middle of my back, almost keeping me in place because he doesn’t want me to leave.

I see someone walk over to me from the corner of my eye, and I turn to see Louis. His arm slings over my shoulder and he laughs, looking down at me and Harry. “Need some more food, mate? Looks like you’re being fed the entire table.” He chuckles. I laugh, looking down and realizing just how much I have been eating. Then suddenly, I hear Harry’s throat clear. I look up to him and see an angry expression on his face, seemingly aimed up at Louis. The whole room is quiet as Harry grabs Louis’ hand as if it were dirty underwear, slinging it off of my shoulder. 

“No touching,” He’s still frowning, the whole way through as if he’s genuinely pissed. Louis just looks at him curiously, as if he had just grown a second head. He laughs a little bit, nervously and confusingly.

“What, Haz?”

“I said, no touching. As in, don’t touch my Niall.” His arms wrap tightly around me, pulling me into him along with my chair.

“We’re all buds!” He reasons. “Why should things suddenly change?”

Lose Control (Narriam) {DISCONTINUED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें