Chapter 20

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The last week of school came quickly....

During the holidays Brea, Maddie, Mat and I got together and we went and saw warm bodies.

Maddie sat at one end next to Mat...He sat next to Brea and I sat on the other side of Brea....

Brea and Mat were dating.....Mat had asked Brea out on the second last day of term while we were all out one a surfing excursion...Me and Maddie as well as everyone else in school was happy for they are really cute together....

We got together the next week to...this time we went and saw two movies out at Maddie's Dad's workplace...

This time it was Maddie, Jake, Mat, Brea and I that went. We all watched Jack the Giant Slayer as well as The Incredible Burt Wonderstone...

On the first day back at school I had found out that Maddie and Jake broke up the day before...The second day back was normal...well except for the ugly uniform the girls had to wear...

The third day back was the day we went bowling for sport...Brea and I were in a team with Maddie but she had decided to go with someone else...

So instead Brea and I went with Mat his friend Caleb and two other boys that were in year 7 their names were  Mattew and Adam...

In one of the classes Brea and I sat behind Chels. Chels and I began chucking blue tack and bits of rubber at each other...Brea soon joined in... 

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