Chapter 2

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It was the morning i was supposed to meet with Sarah, Jess, Mat and Mitchel...

I went into my room to get ready to leave....i was already running late.

I had decided to wear my brand new black skirt and my tights, I hadn't decided on a top so i looked through my wardrobe. I had come across my favourite top..i decided that i would wear it. Sadly it didnt fit so i was left with either my thin strapped purple top or a white one which i thought was my cousins.

I put on the purple top and rushed out the door only to run back in to get my  bag...

On the way to the movies i remember what had happened a couple days before....

Mat was still ignoring me and i tried to get him to answer me one last time but when i went to send the message i saw he had deleted me...

I was soo upset... he couldnt even tell me what i had done to make him hate me.

I decided i would ask him if he came to the movies with us but i was almost 100% sure he wouldnt show up... yet Sarah insisted that he would show up.

I didnt think so especially after the last time she came to town. He was sick or he had just decided not to go... im still not sure and i will probably never find out why he never came that day...

At least i would find out why he wouldnt talk to me...

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