Chapter 7

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I sat there waiting for the bus to get back to school....the only time i would be happy to go back to school. Finally the trip was over, we were back at school and in the rush of people trying to get off i was forced to wait till near the end...

Maddie and Lil had already gotten off the bus and were walking around to the bus lines ready to go home...i was standing in my seat waiting for somebody to let me off infront of them...then out of nowhere there was a gap...where no other then Mat had stopped to let me out..

As i was getting off the bus i turned around to Mat said "thankyou" and i continued walking...I eventually caught up with Maddie and Lil... What took you so long? they asked... I had to wait for someone to let me off. I replied.

As we made our way around the corner, i said goodbye and we went our seperate ways.

The next day at school i was walking into the school grounds from my car when i heard someone walking behind me...

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