A New Start

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Name: Akame Hayashi

Age: 17

3rd Year High School Student

Hair: Straight long, black

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Skin Color: Fair

Height: 5'7

Body: A little curvy, yet skinny

Interests: Reading, cooking, listening to music, going for walks, and playing soccer.

Likes: Quiet places, the beach, over sized jackets/shirts, strawberries with cream, and looking at the stars.

Dislikes: Large groups of people, loud environments, overly preppy/girly girls, overly perverted people, and being alone.

Personality: She is a very quiet person and prefers to keep to herself. Although, she hates being alone and likes having being near people. She tends to be quite distant and has a hard time letting anyone in. Despite this she is very kind and considerate, and will often try to help anyone as best as she can. She absolutely hates crying or being weak in front of other people. However, once she opens up she can be quite sassy and sarcastic. She is very smart and excels in school, her best subjects being Literature and History. 

Akame's POV

I stared out the window listening to my music as the taxi continued to drive to our destination. I remembered that gentle old man that came to me at the orphanage and made me a deal. He told me that he wanted me to go and live with his sons, in exchange I would be able to leave that hell hole. I sighed as the mansion came into view, normally I wouldn't have trusted a stranger or have willingly gone to a place I didn't know; but any place has to be better than that orphanage. Once the car came to a stop I grabbed my suitcase and backpack and walked up to the steps. This place gives me the creeps, I thought as made my way to the door. 

I knocked and waited but no one answered, as I knocked again the door slowly opened. I poked my head in and saw that no one was there. I took off my headphones and cautiously walked inside, shutting the door behind me. Walking further in I noticed a room off to the side with a couch in it, Wouldn't hurt to look, I thought as I made my way over. Once inside I noticed that there was a second couch along with a small coffee table. I turned away from the couches and noticed another door, "You must be the girl That Man was talking about", I turned back around and saw a blonde haired guy lying on one of the couches. How did he get in here without me noticing?, "Are you the master of this house?", I asked walking towards him. 

"Maybe", he replied a light smirk appearing on his lips, I sighed as I took a seat on the couch opposite of him, "I was told that I would be living here", I said quietly and sank into the couch. "Fufu- Did I hear that correctly?", I looked up and saw a boy around my age with reddish-brown hair and a fedora leaning against the door frame, "But is this mouthwatering beauty going to be staying with us?", he finished as he suddenly appeared next to me and licked my cheek. How'd he do that?, I thought wiping his germs off of me. "You smell so sweet Chichinashi", a redheaded boy said appearing on my other side, "I would like to have a taste too", a purple haired boy said while licking my other cheek. 

What is wrong with these guys?, I thought while wiping off me cheek and standing up from the couch and walking towards the couch with the blonde on it and sitting down by his feet. "What is the meaning of this?", I looked up and saw a dark haired man who looked like a butler, staring down at me. "That Man called the other day and said that we would be getting a new guest and that we should treat her with respect and we are not to kill her.", the blonde spoke up with his eyes still closed. "Another bride, tch", a white haired boy said while glaring at me from the doorway. How are these guys doing that?, I thought as the dark haired male spoke up, "Well it seems that everything has been cleared up, now please introduce yourself". "My name is Akame Hayashi", I said quietly while looking between all of them. 

"I am Reiji the second son, that is Shu that first son", he said motioning towards the blonde, "then there are the triplets Laito, Kanato, and Ayato", they all gave me dark and somewhat creepy smiles, "and lastly is Subaru", he said motioning towards the white haired boy who just glared at me. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you", I said quietly while looking at all of them. "You'll regret saying that", Shu spoke up cracking an eye open and looking at me. He gave me a toothy grin and I saw then, a pair of pearly white fangs, I gasped, I-it can't be real can it? I thought still staring at them. "Are those real?", I whispered to no one in particular. "They sure are bitch-chan", Laito said while showing his. "You must come to understand that you will become our prey and are not allowed to leave, any attempts of escape will result in your death", Reiji said. 

I nodded and said nothing more, "Very well, let me show you to your room", he said pushing his glasses back up his nose and turning to leave. I got up and felt a hand grip my wrist, I looked down and noticed that Shu had sat up and was staring at me. I didn't dare move for fear that he would hurt me. After another moment of him staring he sighed and stood up letting go of my wrist. "I'll show her to her room", he said lazily and walked past Reiji, I followed and remained silent as we made our way up the stairs and down one of the hallways. 

We stopped in front of a door and he opened it stepping aside to let me in. I walked in and noticed the walls were a dark crimson color, while a large king sized bed with red covers and black pillows and canopy was on the far side wall, two red armchairs sat in front of a fireplace with a black rug underneath in the center of the room, a small black desk and chair sat on the other side of the room, and next to it was a door I assumed led to a bathroom. It was quite stunning to be honest. I walked further in and noticed my luggage next to the dresser, just then Shu walked past me and laid down on my bed and instantly fell asleep. I was a bit scared that he was still here, but I shrugged it off put my headphones back on, turned on my music, and began putting away my clothes. 

Once I finished and went to put my suitcases in my closet, I walked back out and saw Shu looking through my drawers. I turned my music off and pulled my headphones off and walked towards him, "What are you doing?", I asked standing behind him. He turned around a smirk plastered on his face and one of my lace panties in his hands, "You're such a lewd woman", he said. I was taken aback, "What's wrong with you, you don't just go through other people's belongings you perv", I said harshly while grabbing my underwear from him and put them back closing the drawer. I turned back to him and noticed his stunned expression, "Can you please leave I'd like to get ready for bed?", I asked. He sighed and left my room, I changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I climbed into bed and stared out the window into the garden, How am I going to survive this nightmare?



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