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Akame's POV

After making our arrangements I walked back to my desk and sat down with my head in my hands. "Who's your partner Akame?", I looked back and saw Shu with his eyes closed and leaning back in his chair. "Carla Tsukinami", I said sighing and relaxing a bit in my seat. His eyes shot open as he stared at me incredulously. "You're not allowed to be partners with him", he said glaring at me. "Well, I can't change partners and besides its just a project", I mumbled the last part while avoiding his gaze. "Akame you will be staying the night at the Tsukinami house. I have already arranged for some of your clothes to be sent there", Reiji said as he sat down in his seat and began putting his stuff away. Shu and I stared at him surprised by his announcement as the bell rang.

"S-Shu how many more classes until school ends?", I asked as we gathered our stuff and walked out into the hallway. "This is our last one", he said as we finally made it to our class. Reiji took his seat in the front, while Shu and I sat in the back. "Shu?", "What is it?", he said sighing. "Did Carla kill the last bride?", I whispered. "Yes, she angered us and he killed her", he said casually while leaning back in his seat. How can he be so relaxed about that?, I thought. I tried to pay attention in class, but I was far too anxious and fearful for after school. I jumped a little as the bell rang, signaling school had ended. Maybe if I keep near Shu and Reiji, I can get out of going-"Woman, are you ready to leave?", I was cut off from my train of thought as I looked up to see Carla waiting outside of my class. "Well, the project isn't due for another two weeks. We don't have to rush", I said quietly as I stood in front him.

"I am aware that we have some time until the assignment is due", he said glaring down at me. "But, I prefer to teach you how to act as a true lady should. Rather than those impure vampires", he said while walking down the hallway and motioning me to follow. We walked in silence until we reached the front of the school. "Hey Nii-san, is this the new toy?", a boy with orange hair and a black eye patch called out walking towards us. "Toy...?", I mumbled as we met up with him, "This is my younger brother Shin", Carla said motioning towards him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Akame Hayashi", I said politely. He smirked and turned to talk to Carla, I didn't pay any attention to their conversation until they began to walk out of the school and I followed behind them. As we continued to walk I felt as if someone was watching me, I turned towards where that feeling was coming from and saw Ruki and three other guys standing underneath a tree staring at me.

It was creeping me out and I hurried to walk next to Carla as we approached a limo and filed in. I turned and sat at the farthest end away from Carla and Shin and put my headphones in, while looking out the window as we began to drive. Midway through the third song my headphones were pulled off, "Hey-", I started while looking up to see Carla glaring down at me. He put the headphones on and began listening to the song, "What is this?", he demanded with the headphones still on. "It's called Gravity, by Hollywood Undead", I said glaring back at him. "Hey, I listen to them", I heard Shin speak up excitedly from his seat. "This is unfit music for a lady", Carla said taking my headphones off and throwing them into my lap, "Well it's not your decision on which music I'm allowed to listen to", I said defiantly while the limo stopped.

I looked past him and saw Shin staring at me wide eyed and cringe a little in his seat. I looked back up at Carla and my heart skipped a beat. I didn't think he could be anymore scary, but man was I wrong, I thought as I saw the most deadly glare I've ever seen in my life. Without another word he pulled me out of the car and up the stairs into his mansion, we passed by several maids as he dragged me down several hallways and stopped in front of two large double doors. He opened them and threw me in while slamming the doors shut and locking it behind him. I looked around the room and saw a large king sized bed with black covers, a small black couch was seated in front of a fireplace on the far side wall, and a pair of glass doors led out to a balcony where a small table and two arm chairs were seated. I turned back towards Carla as he stalked towards me, I took a step back as he stood in front of me. "You shall learn your place woman", he growled while gripping both of my wrists in one hand and pulling my head back exposing my neck.

This can't be happening, I thought as I desperately tried to escape his grip, which only seemed to make him tighten his hold on me. Before I could realize what had happened the most excruciating pain shot from my neck and spread to the rest of my body. I tightly shut my eyes and didn't dare make any noise. He seemed to be aggravated by my silence and sank his fangs deeper into my neck. You're not getting a sound out of me, I thought determined to keep silent. I began to feel light-headed after a few minutes and he pulled back from me and I fell to my knees, too exhausted and drained to stand. "I-is that...the've got?", I tiredly asked smirking, while straining myself to look back up at him. "Your insolence is quite infuriating", he said a bit shocked by my response. He walked past me and sat on the bed pulling out all of his school materials. "We still have to do our project, now come here woman", Carla said while opening up his book. I hesitantly got up and walked towards the bed and sat down.

^Time Skip^

I sighed once we finished our project and began putting away all of my things. "Come in", Carla called and a second later a maid came into the room, "My lord, dinner is ready", she said absolutely terrified and giving me a smile, it made me very uncomfortable and I shifted my gaze back to Carla. "Very well, you are excused", he said while standing up and holding his hand out towards me. I took it seeing as my strength hasn't fully returned yet and we made our way out of the room and towards the dining room. Once there he pulled out a chair for me to sit and I cautiously took my seat. He pushed my chair in and took his seat next to mine at the head of the table. Just then a butler walked in carrying two dishes and set one down in front of each of us and gave a bow and left. "Is Shin not eating with us?", I asked looking at him. "No, it will only be the two of us. So that I may teach you how to eat as a lady should", he said and I sighed looking down at the soup in front of me. I reached for a spoon only for him to clear his throat, I looked up and saw the disappointed look on his face.

"Why don't you teach me, like you said you would. Instead of giving me that look", I say annoyed and cross my arms over my chest. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Let's begin then", he said and proceeded to describe what each piece of silverware is used for and what kind of posture I should have. It was almost an hour until I was finally allowed to eat my soup which was already cold. I said thank you as the maids took our tableware, "There is no need to thank the servants. They are only doing what they are meant to do", Carla said standing from his chair and holding his arm out for me to take. I took it not wanting him to give me another lecture, "I was just being polite", I mumble looking at him.

I could've sworn that his eyes softened for a second, but I think it was just me. After leaving the dining room I realized I was still exhausted from earlier, "Carla, where will I be sleeping tonight?", I asked as we made our way to the stairs. "Still tired from earlier?", he said with a smirk. Seriously, "I wonder why", I say sarcastically and pull my arm out from his and continue walking up the stairs. "Follow me then", he said leading me down a few hallways and finally stopping at another double door. He leaned down and brushed my hair behind my ear, "Sleep well", he whispered before disappearing.

I walked through the doors and noticed that the room looked like my room back at the Sakamaki's house, except the colors were white and pink. This room looks like a cupcake threw up in it, I thought but was too tired to care. I walked in and quickly changed into my pajamas, as I climbed into bed I saw a blue and white lily on my nightstand with a small note next to it.

Do not forget, that you are mine woman.


I sighed, At least I'm only here for one night.


Hey guys sorry for the wait, school's been keeping me super busy. Thanks sooo much for being patient and for all of your support. Hope you all enjoyed this part! :D

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