New Friend

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Akame's POV

Man my head hurts...where am I?, I thought as I began to move around under the covers. I took a look around the room and was utterly confused, "This isn't my-", I was cut off by a light snore coming from my side. Turning my head I was met with the sleeping face of the eldest Sakamaki, sighing I remembered what happened the night before and began to get up. I searched around for my clothes but couldn't find them, I really didn't want to risk walking out in the hallway with only Shu's shirt on, just in case one of the other brothers were out there. Then again, I really don't want to be in here when Shu wakes up, I thought to myself as I took one last look at Shu and turned back to open the door. I opened it up just a bit to peek my head out, looking around, I sighed in relief as I noticed that there wasn't anyone in the hall. Alright, just got to go out slowly...and quiet-Screw it! I thought as I bolted down the hallway as fast as I could, until I realized I had no idea where my room was.

I stopped and looked around, just trying to recognize where I was. "Nfu~You look lost Bitch-chan", I gasped and turned around to see Laito leaning against the wall smirking at me. I backed away as he began to walk towards me,"My, my how lustful you look", he said as he backed me against the wall. "I'm getting excited just thinking about what you and my older brother did last night", he whispered into my ear. "There's no need to get excited, nothing happened", I said while pushing him away and turning to walk down the hall only for something to grip my wrist and push me against the wall once more. I looked up to see Laito's face just mere inches from mine, "Now, now Bitch-chan why don't we have some fun?", he said while slowly kneeling in front of me. "No thanks, I'd rather go to my room", I said trying to cover myself as much as I could. "Don't be nervous, just let me shower you with the pleasure of my fangs...and perhaps something else~fufu", he winked at me while saying the last part and lifted my left leg over his shoulder, while his lips skimmed the inside of my thigh. I began to panic and I did the only thing I could think of to do.

I raised my hand and brought it forward as hard as I could and punched him right in the nose. I watched as he fell back and I ran away as fast as I could. OhmygodOhmygodohmygod! What did I just do?! This is it, I'm going to die!, I thought as I rounded the corner and continued down another hallway. "Oi, what the hell are you doing?!", I looked up and saw Subaru glaring at me from down the hall, "Subaru...please help me", I pleaded as I stopped in front of him. "Why are you running...a-and what the hell are you wearing, i-idiot?!", he asked me as a light blush dusted across his cheeks. "I punched Laito in the face, please you have to help me", I pleaded once more as I frantically looked around. "You what?", he asked incredulously. "Little Bitch, you should know it's not nice to hit people", I turned and saw Laito glaring fiercely at me and stalking his way over, as he stepped further into the light I could see a somewhat dark bruise on the bridge of his nose. "Pfft, wow she actually did punch you. And it was a good hit too", Subaru said while chuckling a little and getting up to stand in front of me.

"Step aside little brother, I'm going to teach her a lesson", Laito said while standing in front of us. "Tch, do you really want to be her own personal punching bag that badly?", Subaru said, a small smirk arising from his lips. Laito didn't respond instead he glared at me one last time and disappeared. I sighed out in relief and turned back to Subaru, "Thanks for helping me Subaru", I said a bit embarrassed. "Tch, whatever...j-just get changed", he said looking away from me his cheeks tinted a deep red. "I will, can you show me where my room is?", I quietly asked and he began to walk down the hallway motioning me to follow. We walked in silence and reached my room in no time, "Thank you again", I said before disappearing into my room, I quickly walked over to my closet and pulled out a long sleeved black dress and a blue scarf. Turning I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a simple black bra and thigh high black socks and then left to the bathroom to change. After changing I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a high ponytail and put on a simple pair of black boots.

My Muse (A Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon