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Akame's POV

"Hmmph...Ruki you're squeezing too tight...", slightly shifting I turned and was met with light blonde curls. Kou, what are-, and then it all came back to me, "Oh God no...", I whispered as he looked up and I was met with two ocean blue eyes. "It's too early, let's go-", "No! No, let me go!", I screamed out while quickly pushing Shu off of me, "Please calm down, you're safe now", "Safe? Safe?! I'll never be safe if you're around, all you ever do is hurt me...I'll end up dying here", I whispered the last part softly, while tears began to silently stream down my cheeks. Looking away from him, I pulled my knees up to my chest and tried my hardest not to sob, Why? Why did this happen?, not even bothering to look up as he got off the bed and left the room, I pulled my knees up closer as I tried to slow down my breathing. 

I heard the door open after a few minutes and felt someone sit on the bed next to me, but I didn't pay them any attention as another sob ripped through my chest, I'm going to die here all alone and there isn't anything I can do about it. Panic began to rise in the pit of my stomach as an arm wrapped around my waist and another gently ran through my hair, He's going to kill me! Please, just let me go. "No! Please S-Shu no!", I frantically screamed and tried to pull away, "Calm down, it's just me Ayato", He's lying, he's just trying to lower your guard! I-I won't die without a fight, "No! No! No!", I yelled over and over again as I desperately kicked and punched against his hard body; but it only seemed to make his grip on me tighten. "Hey, c'mon it's alright-", "No! I-I won't let you *hiccup* k-kill me Shu!", I managed out before more sobs claimed my body, "Oi, you need to calm your breathing...", his voice quickly drowned out as my heartbeat thundered in my ears, I have to keep fighting or I'm dead. 

Ayato's POV

Damn, I can't get her to calm down, I thought while looking down at her, tears still streamed down her face as she continued to try and push me off; but what worried me the most was how bad she was shaking and no matter what I did her breathing never slowed. "Shit, this is bad", I whispered to myself as her heartbeat continued to skyrocket, despite her kicking and scratching I picked her up and teleported out of the room. "Ayato, what is the meaning-", "Dammit Reiji help her!", I cut him off while laying her on his bed, "What happened?", he asked giving me a stern look. "I didn't cause this", I countered, "Shu barged into my room and told me to go talk to her. When I walked in she was like this", I finished and pointed at her. "No! No, get away from me!", she suddenly yelled from the bed and began to thrash around more, quickly making my way back to her I tried to calm her down once more. "Ayato, do you know who she is talking to?", I looked away from her and back to Reiji who was already at his lab table, "From what I can make out, she thinks that Shu is trying to kill her", I said while barely managing to avoid one of her kicks. "Hold her mouth open", Reiji demanded and I saw a test tube in his hand, "What the hell's that?!", I growled while pulling her closer to me. "We have to calm her down, all of this stress is extremely harmful for her heart", he said pinning down her legs, "Alright...", I mumbled and reluctantly pulled open her mouth just long enough for him to pour the liquid down her throat. 

She gasped and coughed out a little bit, and I sighed as her movements slowed down and her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. I pulled her now limp body onto my lap and gently ran one of my hands through her hair while the other wiped away the tears still on her cheeks, How is this the same happy girl that went to the carnival with me a couple of months ago, I thought while staring down at her dark blue eyes that had clouded over from whatever it was that Reiji gave her. "What was that?", I quietly asked as I continued to stare down at her, "It was a severe panic attack, from what you've told me it was most likely caused by that deadbeat", rage boiled inside of me at what he said. I missed Chichinashi when they kidnapped her, hell we all did; but Shu took it the hardest. He didn't rest until we got her back, he forced us to search throughout the town and nearby ones for her. And this is what he wanted her back for?! All he wanted to do was hurt her!. I carefully lifted her out of the bed and began to head for the door. "Ayato lay her back down, I need to monitor how she reacts to the drug I administered to her. Seeing how strong this attack was, it is very likely that she will have more in the future; so I must see how well she does with this serum so that I can go ahead and make more", he said while pulling out a pen and notebook and taking a seat in his armchair next to the bed. I looked down at her lifeless expression and nodded before gently laying her down, "I'll be back for her in a little bit", I told him before leaving his room. 

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