Riddles and Band Aids

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Akame's POV

*Tick* *Tock* *Tick* *Tock*...That damn clock is going to drive me crazy!, I thought while stopping my pacing to glare at the annoying object in the corner. Three hours, it's been three hours since I left school and arrived at what I assume to be the Mukami mansion, and I have yet to see or even hear any word from either the Sakamaki or Mukami brothers. I sighed and turned away from the clock and took yet another look at the room I was in. It was a very formal lounge area with a fireplace in the front of the room, multiple bookcases lined the walls, and dark blue couches and chairs were set in the middle around a dark coffee table. Turning I walked over to one of the large windows and gently pushed back the thick dark blue curtain and looked out at the forest that surrounded the floor below. I clenched my fists as I thought about how helpless I truly was, every attempt I've done to try and escape the room resulted in either me hurting myself in some way or the servants coming in to restrain me until I calmed down.

"Getting mad won't solve anything", I told myself and sighed as I walked to one of the couches and took a seat. C'mon I gotta think of something, I thought while looking down at my hands. The only door was locked and no doubt there were multiple servants on the other side, which left the large bay windows as my only option. I trembled as I thought about how high up I was, walking back to the window I could feel my heart rate pick up as I looked down and realized I was three stories high. This was definitely not something I wanted to do, but the thought of anyone being hurt because of me was was absolute torture. Before I could come up with another excuse, I released a shaky breath and unlatched the lock on the window and slowly pushed it open. The cold wind blew through the room making me pull my school jacket even closer to my body, Just take it slow, I thought as I carefully stood on the window sill. Slowly, I began to inch my way along the wall being cautious not to look down, Alright I just have to find a window that isn't locked-, my train of thought was cut off as I saw a large tree with a branch outstretched towards the mansion, just a few feet in front of me. I continued my slow walk until I was directly in front of the branch, but without realizing it my foot had kicked off a small rock and I looked down hearing it hit the ground with a soft thud.

My breath hitched and I could hear my heart beat in my ears, as I thought of how high up I was. I don't think I can do this, I thought to myself and began to inch back towards where I had come from, until a servant on the ground came into my view making me cease my movements. I looked back at the window and realized that it would take to long to get back, but I might be able to hide if I can get into that tree. I can do this, it's just a little jump. Nothing too bad, I thought to myself as I prepared to jump. "Alright, 3...2...1-", I whispered to myself as I jumped forward and landed on the branch. Quickly, I crawled further into the leaves as a gust of wind blew through, making everything shake. I slightly hissed out in pain as a small branch smacked into one of my wrists, and I froze as I watched the servant look around and then stand still. D-did he hear me?, I thought to myself and silently waited for him to do something-anything really. I held my breath as he walked closer *Crash*, I had to resist the urge to scream as a loud crash came from inside the mansion. Just as quickly as the servant had come out he was already at the door, once he opened the it I could hear multiple voices yelling and even more things being broken. 

I didn't waste any time as I climbed down from the tree and sprinted off into the forest. I could hardly see anything as I continued to run through the forest, the only light came from the moon that showed through small openings from the treetops. "If I can just make it to the road, then I can get back to town and to the school", I said to myself as I continued to run. I stilled and quickly hid behind a tree as I saw a dark figure a few yards in front of me, I tried my best to be as quiet as I could when it continued to come closer. The figure stood just a few feet next to the tree and from it's position I could tell it was facing me, "Livestock stop hiding and come out", I was surprised to hear Ruki's voice and immediately stepped away from the tree. "R-Ruki?", I questioned and felt relieved as I saw his face, "Are you alright?", I questioned as I ran over to him. "There's no need to worry about me", he replied and I could see him clutching his side just before he began to fall forward and I caught him. "Ruki, look at me. Where are you hurt?", I frantically asked while lifting his face up to look into mine, but it was useless as he had already fallen unconscious. No, no! Please don't let him die, I thought while pulling him closer to me. "Eve...we have to...go...It's not safe", I looked up and was met with the Azusa guy from earlier, "Azusa, stay with Yuma and lead them away, I'll get her and Ruki out of here", I turned to my other side and was met with a blonde haired boy and he took mine and Ruki's hand. Before I could protest we were on the outskirts of the forest and standing in front of a black Mercedes, "Now M Neko-chan I've told one of my security guards to take you and Ruki to a safe house across town. Whatever you do do not leave the house, got it?", he asked and I nodded my head as he helped me get Ruki into the car. 

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