Coffee Break

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Hi everyone! I hope the new year is treating you all well. I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the reads, votes, and comments you guys are absolutely AWESOME!! And I hope you all enjoy this next part! :D

Akame's POV

I groggily opened my eyes as a loud clap of thunder from the storm outside woke me up. Looking outside the window I noticed that it started to pour once more, I sighed and gently removed Ruki's arm from around my waist and got up to start getting ready for the night. After brushing my teeth I studied my reflection in the mirror and my gaze quickly turned towards the fresh pair of fang marks that Ruki had left the night before. Two months, I thought to myself, two months that I have been hiding away with the Mukami brothers, I wonder if the Sakamaki's are still looking for me?, I thought to myself as I pulled my dark blue robe on and made my way towards the kitchen. Once inside I began to pull out the ingredients to make chocolate chip pancakes, since I knew that all of the brothers enjoyed eating this. I wonder if Shu's looking for me..., I ceased my movements as I remembered that pained look in his eyes as Ruki pulled me away from him-"Oi, Sow you're gonna burn the food", Yuma's loud voice quickly pulled me away from my thoughts. "Sorry, I guess I zoned out again", I mumbled as I put the last of the pancakes onto a plate and turned the stove off, "You've been...doing that a lot...Eve...Are you're alright?", turning I saw Kou and Azusa standing just behind Yuma, all of them staring at me intently. 

I paused before answering as Ruki too entered into the room his intense gaze making me look away, "Yeah, I'm fine it's nothing to worry about really", I said while giving them a small smile and hurriedly making my way past them with the plates of food in my hands, as to not give any of them the chance to speak up again about my strange behavior. We all took our seats at the dining table and I quietly began to nibble on my food as everyone started to converse with one another, Man, what is wrong with me?, for the past week all I've been thinking about is Shu and the rest of the Sakamakis and I don't know why. Maybe it's because of all of the time I've spent inside this house, I think if I get out for a little while-"Hellooo M neko-chan, hellloooo", I snapped out of my thoughts as Kou's hand waved in front of my face. I looked up and realized that they were all staring at me once more, "Uh sorry, what were you saying again?", I quietly asked Kou, "What were you thinking about?", I jumped a little in my seat at Ruki's harsh reply. "I-it was nothing", I answered quietly while looking down, he sighed before dismissing us from the table. Before I could walk out with the others I felt a hand firmly grip my arm and pull me out of the room, stealing a glance I slightly shuddered as I took in how serious his eyes were and how tight his jaw was. 

Once we reached our shared room he threw me onto the bed and turned to lock the door, "R-ru-", "Who were you thinking about?", he growled out while cutting me off and stalking his way towards me. I tried to scoot back on the bed only to have him take a hold of my leg and pull me under him, "Was it that Sakamaki?", he asked in a low tone while lowering his face so it was just inches away from mine. I looked away as silence fell over us, he sighed as he got off of me and stood up, "Get dressed and don't make me wait Livestock", Ruki commanded while leaving the room. "Make him wait?", I asked myself while making my way towards the closet. After changing and brushing my hair I left the room and found Ruki sitting in the living room reading his book, "Are you ready to go?", he asked finally looking up at me. "Is it finally safe to go back?", I asked as I took a seat next to him, "We're just going to a cafe and then coming back", he replied standing up and offering me his hand. I gladly took it and we walked out of the house together.

My Muse (A Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt