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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I've been super busy. I hope you guys like this part, don't forget to vote and leave a comment. :D

Akame's POV

I climbed into the limo and was greeted with Reiji's stern glare. I sighed and took my seat across from him and stared out the window as we pulled away from the Tsukinami Estate. "Did you finish your project, Akame?", Reiji spoke up after a few minutes of silence. I meekly nodded my head and felt something being pushed into my hands. I looked down and noticed a box of cranberry juice, "It's so you do not become anemic", I looked up and saw that he had already gone back to reading his book. "So, I take it that all of you will be feeding off of me?", I questioned as I opened up the box and took a sip. "That is correct", Reiji answered, "That's just great", I breathed out sarcastically as I finished up my juice. I turned to look out the window and felt a sharp pain in my neck, bringing up my hand I felt the two puncture marks that Carla had left on me and winced a little. "It seems as though you must have made him mad", I heard Reiji speak up from his seat. I scowled at him and pulled my hair over my shoulder to cover the marks as we arrived back at the mansion. "Here, I would like it back once you have finished", Reiji said while handing me his copy of 1984 as we made it into the main hall. "Oh, thank you Reiji, I'll be sure to get it back to you I promise", I replied taking the book and making my way towards my room.

Once I made it in, I placed the book and my belongings by my desk and grabbed some clothes as I went into the bathroom to take a bath. After I was done I made my way back into my room and found Ayato sitting at the edge of my bed. "Is there something I can help you with Ayato", I said as I picked up the book and sat in one of the armchairs. "As a matter of fact, I came to have some of your blood", he said appearing right in front of me and pulling me up by my wrist. I began to struggle against him as he pushed my hair back and lowered his head to the crook of my neck, "So noisy...", I sighed in relief and saw Shu laying down on my bed. "What do you want Shu?", Ayato hissed out as he let my wrist go. "I came to have a drink...", he said lazily while cracking open one of his eyes, "Now, can you hurry up and keep it down", he finished and closed his eyes once more. "Shu...", I whispered, shocked by his statement, I figured he would at least try to help me. Ayato chuckled and turned back to me, "Now where we-", he cut himself off as he touched the bite marks that were still healing on my neck. "Huh, it seems like Carla beat us to her", Ayato said as Shu appeared beside him. They both seemed shocked and I took this opportunity to run.

I quickly pushed them both off of me and ran out of my room and screamed for Reiji, At least he'll stop them from biting me out in the open, I thought as I continued to run down the hallway. "What on Earth do you think you are doing?", I turned and saw Reiji standing in his doorway and made my way to his side just as Ayato and Shu appeared. "Dammit she went to Reiji", Ayato mumbled, "So troublesome", Shu sighed out as he ran a hand through his hair. "Now, someone please explain what is going on", Reiji said in a stern voice. "Ayato and Shu were trying to bite me", I said quietly and hid a bit more behind him as I avoided Shu and Ayato's gazes. "Honestly do you two believe that to be a wise decision, seeing as that she has already been drunken from not too long ago. If you keep up this behavior she will become anemic", Reiji said pushing his glasses up his nose. "Tch, fine", Ayato grumbled out as he disappeared, "I'm actually quite surprised that a deadbeat such as yourself was able to get up on their own", Reiji sneered and I turned to look back at Shu and gasped. Man, I thought Carla was terrifying but he has nothing on Shu, I thought as I watched his expression go from exhausted to pure rage.

They each stared one another down for a few moments before Reiji finally spoke up, "Akame you will assist me in making dinner tonight". "Alright", I whispered as he turned and began to walk away with me following close behind. Once we arrived in the kitchen he told me to prepare lasagna and after I finished to help him set the table. "Reiji, thank you for helping me back there", I said as I pulled the lasagna out of the oven. "There is no need to thank me, you must realize that you serve as all of our prey and it would be very inconvenient to have you develop health problems from my brothers' recklessness", he said sternly as he handed me plates and other utensils to set the table in the next room. After we had finished the rest of the brothers came down and took their places around the table, I sat in between Subaru and Reiji and quietly began to eat my food.

I couldn't help but notice how eerily quiet dinner was, Why aren't they talking, aren't they family?, I thought to myself as I finished my food and Reiji dismissed everyone. Everyone left aside from Reiji and I as well as Shu who seemed to be asleep in his seat, "Your cooking is of a much higher quality than I had anticipated and your manners are not completely atrocious", Reiji spoke up and stood from his seat offering me his hand to take. "Oh...uh uhm thank you?..", I replied unsure of whether I should be offended or flattered by his statement as I took his hand and stood up. "With the proper training and discipline, I am certain that you can become a proper lady.", he began as we made our way past Shu. "And will eventually be worthy of being my bride", he said and a loud crash came from behind us as we stood in the doorway. We turned and saw Shu standing and his chair laid in pieces by the wall, I shuddered at his dark expression as he made his way towards us.

In one swift move he had one of my wrists gripped tightly within his hand. "Reiji, please help me", I whispered as I tried to desperately pry my wrist out of Shu's hand and in a blink of an eye we were no longer in the dining room, but rather in Shu's room. I looked up at him and slightly began to tremble at his harsh glare. His hand reached up and moved the hair away from my neck and he growled as he skimmed his fingers over the puncture wounds. I watched in horror as he lowered his face to my neck, "Shu, Reiji said not to or I'll become anemic", I pleaded. He pulled back and looked me in the eye, "It doesn't matter what Reiji says, I am the eldest and may do as I please", he said with a slight smirk and before I knew it I felt a sharp burning pain in my neck and I had to resist the urge to scream.

He pushed me back and I fell onto the couch with Shu on top of me and I tried to pull his hair to get him off, but it was no use. I tried to scream for Reiji but it came out as a whimper and to my surprise Shu pulled back from me and sat up, staring wide eyed at me. I quickly scooted as far back as I could from him on the couch and clutched my neck. He sighed and looked away from me as he stood up and began to take his shirt off. No, please don't let this be happening, I thought as I began to panic. He tossed his shirt at me after taking it off and began to take is shoes and pants off. "Get changed, we're going to bed", he said and turned his back to me. I was relieved to know that my fears were not true, but I still didn't want to be near him, "No, I want to go back to my room", I said and tried to get up only to become light-headed and fall back onto the couch.

"If you can get to your room, then you may sleep there", Shu said a smirk plastered on his face. I scowled and looked away, knowing that I wouldn't have the strength to even reach the hallway. I sighed, "Fine look the other way", and he did so as I got changed. His shirt reached just mid-thigh and I felt extremely uncomfortable being in such revealing clothes in front of him. But, before I could protest he lifted me up and carried me to the bed and laid me down, and then laid down next to me. I faced away from him as he turned towards me. "So troublesome", I heard him sigh out just before he fell asleep, Maybe I can leave now, I thought and tried to sit up only to feel Shu wrap an arm around my waist and pull me back down. He pulled me towards him and forced me to look at him. "Pfft, what were you going to do once you escaped. Call for Reiji?", he said a bit amused. "Maybe I was, he's much better than you", I replied while glaring at him, trying my best not to fall asleep.

His expression darkened and his hold on me tightened as he leaned down and whispered, "I'll show you how much better I am than him", just before I slipped into unconsciousness.

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