My Choice

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Since Sollux has a lisp I will be putting a 'th' instead of a '2' or 's' for ex: thay thomethiing! Instead of 2ay 2omethiing! Enjoy.

Eridan's Pov

"Hey ED." I knew that voice...I knew it was Sollux. Not only because of the lisp-tainted voice, but because the nickname ED. Only he would ever call me that.
I made no move to wipe my tears away, I doubt he noticed, and even if he did I doubt he even cared. I didn't bother to answer him either. I couldn't form the words in my mouth, or maybe I was afraid to speak in fear of making him angry.
"ED? Come thay thomethiing to me. II'm not gonna hurt you, II thwear." I bit my bottom lip hard. I didn't know whether to trust him or not. Maybe this was a prank. Maybe he wanted me to talk so he could hit me. Maybe...Maybe...Maybe...
"Wwhat do you wwant from me?" I whispered. I haven't talked to another troll besides Nep in a long while. I felt him sit next to me, the slight shifting of grass was all the noise I heard.
"II jutht want to talk to you. II thwear." He said quietly, and for a second I stopped breathing. He hasn't talked to me since the game...Why would he want to now?
"Why are you cryiing ED?" His voice was soft, I've never heard him speak like this before...So kind and sweet. He cupped my face in his warm, pale grey hands, and with his thumbs, he wiped my tears. I flinched slightly at the unusual contact, but soon relaxed. Honey...Sweet honey...That's what Sollux radiated. It was a blissful, calming aroma that easily made my guard waver.
"What ever happened to the Douchey-hiipthter ED that took no thiit(shit) from anyone?" I chuckled darkly, and more tinted tears poured from my eyes. I almost broke into sobs, but I'd never let him see me like that.
"He...He nevver really existed Sol...He wwas alwways fakin so no one wwould see howw broken he really wwas inside..." Then...I snapped.I couldn't control it anymore...I promised I wouldn't, but I did. I started sobbing, I buried my face in his shoulder and sobbed. I let all the emotions I had felt for all those sweeps out.

"It hurt! I wwas alwways raised to act better than evveryone else! It wwas all I kneww! Nobody liked me, not evven Fef did! I wwas all alone, and only wwanted to be happy! To havve somethin anythin to livve for! But...As soon as the game started...I had nothin left...My lusus wwas dead, my moirail broke it off wwith me, my last friend left...The prince of hope...I was left completely hopeless...I destroyed my owwn hope Sol..." I loosened my grip on Sollux, I felt myself being drained of every ounce of strength. He pulled me close to him, I could feel his pulse quicken, smell his sent, hear the sound of his blood pumper pound against his chest.
"S-Sol..." I muttered softly into his chest. The world was silent around us, and for a moment the time stopped. I forgot about my mistakes, my pain, everything. All that mattered was Sollux and I.

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