His Confession

673 31 12

Dedicated to snowcrystal2

Sollux's POV

Was it hours or was it seconds? I couldn't tell. Nor did I care. All I know is I didn't stop running till I had basically busted in the door to Kanaya's hive.
"Kan...Kanaya!" I gasped out struggling to catch my breath. "IIth...IIth ED okay?!" She looked completely clear of any emotion.
"Sollux. Please calm down. Eridan is alright. For now that is...He is in what I believe the humans call a 'coma'. Neither Rose or I is very certain whether he'll awake or not...I'm sorry I cannot give a definite answer." Kanaya proclaimed calmly, but I could see worry and fear in her eyes.
"...Thankth...II know you diid your betht..." I muttered, tears once again forming. "Can...can II thee(see) hiim?" I asked hoping that she would let me. She bite her lip in thought.

"Yes..." She finally said after a moment. "You may see him. I've read that talking to someone while in this sort of..State helps them wake up." I smiled in relief. "Follow me if you please." Kanaya smiled slightly starting to walk away. Immediately I started following her.
"Here." She said a frown etching on her face and she stopped at the door. "I'll...I'll leave you now...I'll check in an hour..." Tears started to form as she turned away.
"Thank you Kanaya..." I whispered as I opened the door. I look in and almost broke down in sobs.
He looked dead. He was very pale, and his stomach was wrapped around in white gauze that had traces of his blood on them. I closed the door as I walked in completely and sat down next to his bed.
I took a shaky breath and started to talk. "H-hey ED...Kanaya thayth(says) you're iin a coma...Heh...Hopefully you won't be liike thith too long...II already miith(miss) you...II bet when the otherth fiind out they'll be here and thayiing the thame thiing...Lithen...II'm thorry...II thould've done thomethiing to help you...II...II diidn't know thiingth were thiith bad..." I felt tears run from my eyes and I wiped them away quickly. I couldn't fall apart right now. "The truth iis...II never hated you...II don't thiink anyone really hated or hateth you...II jutht thiink people are too fuckiing denthe to let thiingth go...You're a really good guy ED...FF wath pretty thtupiid lettiing you go...Hell...I wath thtupiid for beiing tho mean to you...You never really detherved iit...Yeah you were a liittle spoiiled actiing...But that'th how you were raiithed...You couldn't help iit..."
I took his hand gently. "Y-you...You can't leave me now...Okay!? P-pleathe! I-I couldn't liive without you ED! II never told you...II never told anyone! II hiid iit thiinthe(since) we were all 6 thweepth old! ED...Pleathe you have to wake up for me..."
Once again yellow tears poured down my face, but this time I just let them flow. "Pleathe ED! II'm fluthhed for you! II feel for you liike KK doeth for John and Kanaya does for Rothe! II want you to be my matethpriit! II-II feel what the humanth called love for you...Pleathe ED..." I cried harder. "II love you..."


Hey hey everybody! Like the chapter?! I sure hope so! I think it's kinda bad...But I put days into writing this! The next one I will get to working on soon. Have a lovely day!
~The Insane Toxic Shade.

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