My Confession

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Writers block sucks T.T Forgive me.

Eridan's Pov.

Darkness....Pain...That's all really all I can remember...That and a never ending feeling of being alone...I wanted someone to wake me up...I didn't care who it was as at this point...I just wanted to see Sollux...Then I heard it....
"...Y-you...You can't leave me now...Okay!? P-pleathe! I-I couldn't liive without you ED! II never told you...II never told anyone! II hiid iit thiinthe(since) we were all 6 thweepth old! ED..."Sollux....His voice was soft and he words faded in and out."...I'm fluthhed for you!......II want you to be my matethpriit! II-II feel what the humanth called love for you...Pleathe ED..." I heard him cry harder. "II love you..."
   H-he...Said he loved me...He said he wants to be my matesprit...I needed to tell him, Sol...I need to tell you! I love you too! Damn it! I just wanted to get out of that hellish darkness and wake up!
  It was like the darkness was strangling me. I struggled against it trying to get away, but it was futile. I felt a flush of pain pour down on me. I clutched my stomach in agony, it was like being cut in half all over again.
  I shut my eyes tightly the pain invading my entire being. Then...Suddenly...The pain dulled down...I tried to open my eyes again, but they felt heavy...Almost as if they were made of lead. Every part of my body felt numb, like I had been asleep for months. But that couldn't be true.
"S-sol..." Was the only thing I could manage out. My throat felt itchy and dry, like a hadn't spoken or drank anything for sweeps...
"E-ED?!" That voice, panicky yet relieved, was Sollux's. I tried opening my eyes again, which, luckily, ended in success. However, I wasn't expecting it to be so bright.
  I squinted trying to save my eyes from the slight burning pain. I looked around looking for Sol. Yet, all I got was a blurry, distorted figure of him. My guess was my glasses were off.
  "H-hey Sol..." I said weakly. "C-could..y-you...Um...P-possibly get m-me some wwater...And m-my...glasses..." I could tell he was frantic by the way the blurry blob I could see jerked around.
"Oh thiit yeah!" Muttering to himself, he slipped my glasses gently on to my face. I blinked away the remaining fuzziness and stared at him, I gave a dry chuckle.
"Wwell Y-you look like s-shit Sol." It was true. His hair was a mess, sticking out every which way, his skin was abnormally pale grey, his lips cracked, and I could see the dried tears on his flushed thinning face. 
  Sollux blushed and let out a forced laugh, rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed. "I gueth tho but, you don't look to good yourthelf ED." The tears has started down his face again and I wondered why it was he was crying. It couldn't have been what I said. Unless I really did offend him.
   He broke out into a sob a few seconds later and then started laughing hysterically. It was like he had completely lost in the seconds I had awoke. What if I didn't...Would he have lost it either way?
   "E-ED you f-fucking douthe...Y-you kept me w-waiting!" Sol wailed, now sobbing into my bandaged chest. I chuckled sadly tears running down my face, and brought his head up to meet my gaze.
  "I'm sorry I kept you wwaiting Sol." I whispered wiping the tears away. I thought about the words he said to me. They echoed through my head making my face heat up and my cheat tighten.
  Sol's face turned pale yellow staring into my eyes. If I thought any differently I'd say he was uncomfortable, but I knew the truth now.
"I finally get to tell you Sol." I smiled softly and leaned in close to him, our lips close to touching. "I'm flushed for you too." It was then that he closed the gap that separated us.

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