My Chance

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Eridan's Pov.

The weight of the world was lifted off of me. I felt nothing but pure happiness, drowning in sweet sent and pure warmth Sollux gave me. But...A question came to my mind...Why? Why was he doing this?
"Wwhy...?" My voice came out as a faint whisper, but by the way his head suddenly shifted I knew he heard me. His eyes stared into mine, magnificent candy red and bright electric blue, into dull violet. He seemed to be looking for the right words to say.
"II...ED...II....II'm thorry...." My face contorted into one of shock.
"Wwhy are you sorry? You didn't do anythin wwrong." Thinking about it, I realized something...Not once had he ever harmed me or teased me. Not one prank...Not since...The game... Sollux's chuckle brought me out of my thoughts. It wasn't a humorous chuckle, it was one I used often, a bitter, gloomy, depressing chuckle that sent shivers down my spine.
"Diidn't II? II thtole(Stole) the one you were fluthed for...II egged you on... II was the one that made you....II made you..." I was confused, but then suddenly realized what he meant.
"No...Sol...I wwas blinded by my owwn rage...I had lost all hope long before the game. It wwasn't your fault." Sollux looked at me a with concern. Shit...I shouldn't have said that....
"ED...What do you mean?" I couldn't back down now, I bit my lip and turned away.
"You see...Fef...She didn't care about me...For gogs sake she didn't remember I wwas her moirail half the time! She looked dowwn upon me for the things I did..." I rubbed my wrist subconsciously. "I wwish she hadn't stopped me...I would havve been better off dead-"
"NO! YOU TAKE THAT BACK ERIIDAN!" He shouted, grabbing my wrists forcing me to look at him. I flinched, he never used my real name. "S-sol-" I started, but he swiftly cut me off.
"No! Liithen to me! You wouldn't have been better off dead! KK would've lotht hiith thiit iif you diid! You kept hiim thane! You liithened to hiith thupiid bullthiit for thweepth(sweeps)! You were a better friiend to hiim than II ever wath! Than anyone ever wath! And II...II...II wouldn't have been able to handle iit..." Yellowish tinted tears dribbled down his perfect face. I wiped them away gently, asking softly.
"Wwhat do mean...?" He smiled bitterly at me and I resisted the earge
to flinch back.
"You're tho clueleth thometiimes ED..." I bit my lip, that was true I was usually so blinded by hate, or despair
I don't see what's in front of me.
"ED...For the longetht tiime...II've been-"
A cracking sound stopped him instantly. I turned towards the noise and instantly paled...Why them....Why did it have to be them!

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