Chap 23

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The sun still haven't rose properly however that didn't stop Draco from being awake. He had only gotten a few hours sleep from how excited he was.

He got dressed and ready and was out the dorm within 10 minutes.

"Where you going?" A voice came out of no where

"Blaise why are you awake?"

"Why are you?" Blaise asked back

"Look I'm going to make a surprise for Hermione okay?"

Blaise smiled at Draco.

"I hope everything goes well"

Draco turned around on the heel of his foot and walked out the dorm and into the deadly silent hallways. In a couple hours these halls would be filled with students chatting and giggling. Oh how oblivious they could be to everything that was happening.

He has hours until he would be meeting Hermione in the room ,so he had more then enough time to make it special. Would she like it?

He walked down the hallways smiling at the paintings not being able to contain his joy about Hermione getting out ,finally.

Suddenly a though came into his mind and turned back around and went outside.

Hermione's POV :

"You're free to go Miss Granger" the woman smiled at me politely.

When she went I looked in the mirror. My face still in bandages.

Had everything healed?
Nobody had told me nothing about if I'd have scars left from the incident but I figured I wouldn't considering we have magic to fix that.

I slowly put my hand to the bandages on my face slowly peeling them off my face. Nothing. Not even a scratch. The power of magic couldn't compare to anything else in this world. Everything was the same except my eyes. The pain and fear could have been spotted from hogsmeade.

"HERMIONE" it was Harry.

"Harry" I sighed with a smiled. I was so happy to see him ,he was truly the best friend ever.

He gave me a tight hug and told me how Ginny couldn't even come to see me. She couldn't bare the shame. I know it wasn't her fault and I didn't blame her ,I wish she had come to see me. I needed her now more then ever.

What had even happened to Ron?

"I need to tell you something"

"Yes?" I gulped down worrying it would be bad news.

"Look I don't want to scare you but you have to know , Ronald was caught and taken to the ministry but he somehow escaped and now he's missing. Nobody has seen him or have a clue as to where he is. I've told this all to Draco as well and I came up with a plan. You and Draco do not walk alone anywhere you're either with each other or someone okay?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing about Ronald being missing but then again the magic world was crazy anything could happen.

Fear crawled all over my body but the thought of being with Draco and walking around with him comforted me.

Why did Harry say that Draco had to walk with someone.

"Why can't Draco be alone?"

He hesitated and looked at me as if there was a war in his mind about telling me or not.

"Ron left a note saying he was going after Draco ,Hermione you're both not safe"

I stood and ran to the vase that was on the small table and threw up.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now