Chapter 12

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I walked into the washroom to clean myself up. Sure I looked like a mess but why let people know. I just wanted something to take my mind off of it. I knew I could talk to anyone about what was going on. That they were my family and they would help me. It was getting late, and we had filming the netted day so I texted Kaya, knowing she was the easiest to talk to about anything.

To Kaya 🙃: Kaya! Meet me in my room... I need to talk.

From Kaya 🙃: On my way! 😘

Not long after there was a knock at the door. I opened the door to revile a worried Kaya.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" She asked. I sat on the bed as she closed the door and came and sat beside me. "What hoe do I need to slap?" I laughed at this one.

"No one, I just, I'm, I don't know." I admitted.

"What don't you know sweetie?" She asked.

"Well, you know Jacob? Yeah, well he apologized. Then he asked me out, then I told him that I had a, a, a boyfriend." I said and her eyebrows were raised. "And, he asked who, and I said." Then I brought my voice down to a whisper. "Blake." I looked up at Kaya who was smiling.

"Do you like him?" She asked. I nodded my head and she squealed.

"But he couldn't like me. He's famous, like you guys! I didn't think you guys would like me. Sometimes I feel like I annoy you guys." I said. She then side hugged me.

"Oh! We could never find you annoying! We love you to bits and pieces!" She smiled. "But I think, we need to get you set up with Blake. Let's get to work. I know we can do it!" She smiled. "I'm getting Ro in on this as well, also Faith. She was nice!" Then an idea popped in my head.

"Can I invite Chrissy too? If she's still here? And Kiara too?" I ask and Kaya nods. I quickly got my phone and typed in their numbers, inviting them to my room. Soon there was a frantic knock. Kaya ran to the door and opened it to see Ro smiling. Kaya closed the door being Ro as she sat down next to me.

"You have a crush on Blake! That's so cute! You guys would be cute!" She squealed. I smiled and blushes deeply. Then another knock. Faith and Kiara stood at the door. They came and walked over. Faith knew what seas  going on, Kiara didn't. Then last to show was Chrissy. Who almost fainted when she saw Kaya.

"So, crushing eh?" Faith asked. I nodded.

"Who?!" Chrissy shouted.

"Uh... Blake." All the girls squealed.

"You look WAY cuter with him then my sister." Kiara said while rolling her eyes. We chatting and they decided to dress me up, in something cute and comfy as well as cute light makeup. The outfit was a white crop top with the words FREE SPIRIT written in the american flag colours, paired with reddish pink shorts and a pair of flip flops. Then the moment of truth. Kaya called Blake to see if he could "check" on me. The girls went and hid in the washroom and I sat on the bed with my guitar. I picked at the cords for I Want to Write You a Song By One Direction. Then a knock came at my door. 

"Savanna? You in there?" Blake's voice asked threw the door. I walked to the door and opened it a crack. He stood there looking at the slightly opened door. "Hey. Kay wanted me to make sure you were okay. Are you?" He asked sweetly. 

"Yeah. Do, uh, you wanna come in?" I asked and he agreed. I opened the door and he came in. He sat on the bed and I closed the door and went beside him and sat. 

"Why did you leave earlier?" He asked after a bit of awkward silence.

"Uh, well. A guy from my school, who was really mean to me called me and tried to flirt and ask me out. I said no." I said leaving out the part about saying he was my boyfriend. "He just, I don't know. He rattles my nerves." I said honestly.

"I get that. That's why my parents homeschool me now." He said. I leaned back against the back of the bed and he followed my actions. I turned on the TV to a random cop show and leaned my head against his shoulder. He didn't move so I didn't either. I just sat there with my head on his shoulder. I started to drift off when he shifted, waking me up. He snaked his arm around my waist and I didn't mind even though I usually would freak out in this situation. 

We sat there just watching TV when I heard a giggle from the washroom. I had forgotten the girls were in there. Well I'm comfy and he didn't seem to notice so, I think they knew they were stuck for a bit. I looked up slightly and noticed that Blake had the biggest smile on his face. His curls were out of his face and he looked strait at the TV. When I looked away I could feel his eyes on me. I looked up at him to see him smiling at me. 

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You're just really pretty." He said and I blushed.

"Not really." I said in a whisper.

"Yes you are! You are really pretty. Actually, your right, you're not pretty. You're beautiful." He said as I blushed deeper. 

"Thank you Blake. You have no idea how much that means coming from you." I said. He just looked at me. We sat for a long moment in comfortable silence until Blake broke it.

"Please forgive me, but I feel if I don't do this now, I'll never get another chance." He said, and I wonder what he meant. I looked at him and he leaned down. He closed his eyes and I closed mine as we closed the gap between us. It was a sweet kiss. Gentle. As if he was scared he was going to break me. He pulled away and looked at me.

"Oh my goodness. I am so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking I just.. " I cut him off by kissing him again. When I pulled away I said.

"Shut up! It was perfect!" I smiled. Then I made an excuse to go let the girls out of the washroom and went back to Blake and out position. We sat and talked and kissed more until I fell asleep on his shoulder.


ITS FINALLY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD. This has been an on going chapter for like EVER. I hope you guys liked it. It has an element of my first kiss, of which I got this summer. (Just give me a second to reflect on the good moments me and my ex had as a couple before he came up with some lame excuse to dump me.) Anyways hope you liked it. I had writers block for the longest time and school. Being in grade ten, there is like no such thing as easy homework :( oh well. Have a great morning/day/night everyone!

PS.. Please check out some of my other books. My faves that I enjoy writing are Smoke Rises (Which needs a new name so message me if you've got one) and one that I'm starting which is not a fanfic, called Runaway Memories. Also, if you got ideas, for this story or any other, PLEASE let me know! I love hearing other peoples opinion. Thanks!

Wrong Number! (A Maze Runner Cast fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant