Chapter 5

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm. First day on set. I get up and have a shower and throw on a outfit. I hear a knock on my door and it's Dylan and Kaya. I open the door. 

"Hiya girly! coming?" Dylan asked. 

"Yeah, I gotta wait for my mom though, she's coming for my first day." I say grabbing my phone and purse. I walk over to my mom's room and knock on the door. She opens the door and steps out. We walk to the lobby and take a taxi to the set, which is in the middle of nowhere. I get out and am greeted by the girls right away. A lady, I've come to know as Nathalie came up to me with Kaya and grabbed my hand. Pulled me to the wardrobe. I was put into rags and then went to makeup. They made me look older as well as dirty. They braided my hair into a messy waterfall braid that came over my shoulder. I was sent out to Wes who okayed my look. Then we got to filming. I'm talking to Nathalie about killing Dylan. Then the rest of the 'gladers' come in. Thomas came after me. I got to hold a machete to Dylan's throat. Now my line.

"Move a muscle, he's dead." I say seriously. Then Thomas gets to talk me out of it. GREAT. Note my sarcasm. He starts.

"Okay, don't worry, we're not going to bloody move." 

"Good." I hold the knife close to Dylan's throat. "What do you want?" I ask. 

"We want our friend back, we were put here, like you I would assume. Can't we just be friends, or allies even?" Thomas implies taking a step closer. I hold the machete closer to Dylans neck.

"I told you, move anymore, your 'Friend' dies. It's an easy maneuver." I say slyly. He takes a step back and I loosen the knife. We talk back and forth until he says something catching my characters attention. 

"We survived the maze and are as confused as you." I look at Nathalie or Nat as she wants me to call her and she nods. I lower the machete and drop Dylan.

"CUT!" Wes yelled. "Back to one." I turn around and the makeup and hair lady comes up to me and fixes my hair and eye makeup. We do this one a couple of times through and I was given different directions at times. At one point I held the machete to Thomas's neck as well. Nathalie did my lines once while I just held Dylan. Every time Dylan messed up he do something funny and we'd all laugh. I've known him about 3 days and he's already like a big brother to me. During a break he ran and picked me up, carried me like a potato sack while running around the set. No matter how much I screamed he wouldn't put me down. Ki Hong tickled me until I couldn't breath. I was the baby, again. Everyone wanted to have a turn to hang out with me. That feels good. Thomas walked up behind me and tapped my on the shoulder. I turn around then tried to walk away, but he's stronger than he looks. 

"Look, love, I'm sorry. I didn't know and I thought it might have been funny. I didn't mean any harm by it." He says looking me in the eye. I nod.

"It's alright. I just have another platform to tell him off on." I smile making him feel better. Then he grabbed me and hugged me. OMFG. Holy cow. We pulled out. I must have looked really shocked because he stepped back and looked at my face.

"You alright love?" He asks and I nod. I think I might faint. OMG, I'm going to faint. I slowly let myself sit on the floor. I feel dizzy and shaky. Dylan ran over to me.

"You ok Sava?" He asks and I don't answer because I'm in a shocked state of mind where nothing is computing in my brain very well. My mom walks over and sees that I could faint and goes to get something. I'm still freaking out and then Kaya and Ki Hong come over. There was chatter but I couldn't hear it. My mom came back with a glass of water. I took a sip, instantly feeling a bit better. After about five minutes I regained my composer. Dylan hugged the life out of me and then Ki Hong did the same thing. I laughed becoming myself again. God, I was terrified so I can on;y imagine what my mom was going through. I get up and hug her. We were called back on set and I grabbed the big knife of the table. We shoot more scenes and stuff.

Wrong Number! (A Maze Runner Cast fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant