Chapter 2

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Friday, my favorite day of the week. I woke up a 6:30 and got ready for school. I got on the bus and the kids were laughing at my outfit and making fun of me. Just because I'm country doesn't mean I'm strange. I got to school and was greeted outside my social classroom by Nikita.

"Hey, you didn't call me.." She said trailing off.

"Sorry, had a last minute audition." I said not really lying. She nodded.

"Don't worry about it, I mean it wasn't important. I know I said it was but it wasn't." She said.

"Okay, again, I'm sorry. Can you tell me now?"

"It's fine, don't worry. Worked itself out. No problem." We walked into class, and started. After classes I went to find Sara.

"Heyyyyyy!" We said in sync.

"I got your text last night! Is it true?" She whispered in my ear. I nod and she squeals. Skipping to the bus, me and Sara waited. Until Mr. IthinkI'mallthatandabagofchips, I mean Jacob walked up to us.

"Hey Savanna, think about tomorrow?" He asked trying to be seductive, and failing, miserably. Sara giggled.

"Yeah I did and my answer is NO." I say as me and Sara walked away. We got on the bus were the kids made fun of me yet again, honestly, it gets tiring but whatever. We got to my house went in my room and turn on Skype. Just as Will called me. I answered.

"Hi Sava!" All of them chorused. I saw Dylan, Kaya, Will and Dexter yet again.

"Hey guys! This is my best friend Sara." I said introducing Sara as she came into frame.

"H-h-h-h-hi" she stuttered.

"Hello love!" Will greeted.

"Sup?" Dylan said doing some sort of gangster pose but just looking really white and stupid.

"Hiya!" Dexter yelled. Kaya just waved.

"OMG!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!" Sara yelled having a fangirl moment. The group laughed. In the background we heard talking. Kaya whispered something to Dylan. Then I whispered to Sara.

"I ship Daya." Then we giggle. Will looks at us as Kaya and Dylan go and investigate the talking.

"What were you whispering about?" Will asks as they leave.

"Oh, only that we ship Daya!" Sara said.

"I'm not the only one now! YES!!" Will shouted, pumping his fists in the air. Me and Sara look at each other then start singing the chorus to I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith. Dexter and Will laughed at our silliness and off keyness. We flip our hair and bow. Kaya and Dylan walk back into the room with someone tagging behind them. It was Blake Cooper! You know Chuck... OMG!! Me and Sara exchange looks and try and push our fan girl away but we can't. I mute the screen and pause it too, which I learnt how to do, thanks to Nikita. We let out a scream. Luckily everyone was out of the house again today. We unfreeze the screen and unmuted it.

"Thank god, we thought we lost you!" Dylan yelled. We giggled.

"Well Savanna, this is Blake. He's a fan of 'Not Alone' too." Will introduces and we both blush.

"I'm a fan of you too." I say both of us turning even a deeper shade of pink. Dylan giggled and Kaya did too.

"OMG! I TOTS SHIP IT!!" Sara shouts. I smack her arm. She starts pouting and rubbing her arm.

"ME TOO!" Dexter and Will say at the same time. Oh geez. Dylan and Kaya high five in the background. I couldn't help but death stare the screen

"YOU GUYS!" I freak out. "Stop shipping things that will never be." I say very matter-of-factly. Kaya and Dylan look at the floor and Dexter, Will and Sara say sorry. I can be such a mother. We chat for a bit and I learn about the other cast members and Sara has her little fangirl moments and we all laughed at her. We continue talking when Wes bursts through the door and my mom walks into my room. I turn to my mom.

"Hi mom!" I say going to hug her.

"Hello Elaire!" Sara greets.

"Hello girls! Oh, who's this?" She says looking at my screen. She was acting kinda suspicious, as she didn't immediately freak out, seeing people she didn't know on my skype.

"Oh, this is Will, Dexter, Dylan, Kaya and Blake. They're part of the cast of Maze Runner." I smile.

"Oh, well..." Wes speaks up. "They aren't the only people." He says. Okay, what the hell is going on?

"Oh, yeah, mom that's Wes, the director." I say introducing. "Guys this is my mom Elaire." I say. They all wave and say hello.

"Oh, I've already met Wes." Mom says a bit sing songy.

"Okay?" Then Wes whispers something into Wills ear.

"OMG NO WAY!!!!" He screams, what's with them and screaming? The whispers continued and me and Sara stand the confused. My mom walks out and they all look at us.

"WELCOME TO THE CAST SAVANNA!!!" Dexter yells at the top of his lungs and Wes slips out of the room.

"OH MY FREAKING GOD! NO WAY!!" I scream. OMG! I 'm going to work with my idols! But then I realized, I tend to get really shy in person, on no.

"Yeah you leave in two days!" Kaya sings. I smile, feeling sick.

"Ya'll right Savanna?" Blake asks. I nod my head before running out of the room to the washroom to vomit. Oh gosh, I'm going to meet them, IN PERSON. Oh gosh. I finish puking what feels like my guts out and walk back into my bedroom where Sara is trying to distract them. Gotta love her. I sit back down next to her.

"OMG! Savanna! Are you okay?" Kaya asks in a panic. I nod my head.

"Thank god!" Dexter says throwing his hands up in the air.

"DINNER!" My mom shouts. We say our goodbyes and head to the table.

"So...New Mexico, to work." My Grandmother says slowly. I nod.

"AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!" My sister, Rose shouts. I look at her blankly.

"I-I-I don't know. I'm insanely nervous. Mom are you coming with me?" I ask. She nods her head.

"Only for the first couple of days though, gotta get home." She says, I nod. Sara speaks up.

"You'll be fine, they seem really nice." She says. I nod again, playing with my food, unable to eat it. Sara is sleeping over so I'll have her for tomorrow.

"We have to get you a new wardrobe!" Sara says excited. I nod taking a bit of the pizza.

"I'll drive you two to Chinook." We nod.


We woke up, got dressed and ate breakfast before rushing to the mall. We got there and my mom left us to do teenage girl stuff. We went around to the shops finding outfits. Three and a half hours later we had at least four bags each. We met my mom out front. We drove and dropped off Sara and we headed back to the house. I won't be able to say goodbye to my dad, he's gone for another two days, or so I though. Though when we got home, I brought my stuff in and there was dad at the top of the stairs. I ran and hugged him.

"I thought you weren't going to be back until Monday night!" I said hugging him tighter.

"Well, I needed to say goodbye to my baby girl." He smiled. We sat down had Lasagna (my favorite!) and enjoyed my last night with them for two months.

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